I missed you.

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It's me Michael!
I got a new number just so you know.
Also can we meet up tomorrow afternoon to talk about your moving and all the dates and stuff?
See ya! :)

I clicked at his number and saved him as 'My housemate💕' and went back to the chat to reply him.

Sure let's say 4 pm? :)

I put my phone on the charger next to my bed and laid down on my back facing the celing it was 5 pm what am I going to do now?
I thought for a while and then decided I wasn't out jogging for quite a while.

I jumped up from my bed and searched for my running clothes. I found rather fast in the back of my wardrobe.
I walked into the bathroom and put my hair in a high ponytail and changed in my clothes.
As I was done I walked back in my room and threw the things I wore before on my bed.
I got my headphones out of my bag and plugged them in my phone after I got it off the charger.
I jogged downstairs and closed the frontdoor behind me.
I took one step and stood still again to close my eyes and take in the beautiful evening air.

I let out the breath and smiled opening my eyes.
I put on my favourite running playlist and started to jog.

I was gone for round about an hour and as I got back I took a long relaxing shower and soon went to bed after watching a few episodes of supernatural on Netflix.


The next morning I woke up at 7.34 am and headed downstairs to eat some breakfast.
After that I returned to my room and got changed into a loose summerdress which ended just above me knee.
I got out my phone and texted Agus if I could come around in half an hour.

I also saw that Michael alias my future housemate texted me saying he was ok with the time.

A few moments later I got an answer from Agus that it'll be ok if I came in 30 minutes.
So I stood up and jogged down the stairs.
I slipped on my shoes and walked outside.
It was quite a way to Agustíns apartment if you're going to walk so I was actually going to take half an hour.


As I finally stood in front of his apartment door it was 9 am.
He opened the door for me smiling like an idiot probably matching my grinn.
I hugged him really tight and as we pulled away I gave him a quick peck on the lips.
However he wasn't going to let me leave this easily so he decided to pull me back into him and deepen the kiss.
As we finally did pull apart both of us were breathing heavily.

"I missed you" I barely wispered.
"I missed you too" he smiled and took my hand in his.
We made our way towards the couches and sat down.

"So are we both gonna write a tweet or how we gonna tell the fans?" I asked unsure of what to do.

"You know maybe we should do a short video on youtube or something" he suggested and I nodded in approval.
"Ok I get the camera wait one sec!" He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

After a few moments he came back with the camera in his hand and positioned it in front of us.
He pressed a few buttons and sat down beside me.

"Hey guys!"
We both waved at the recording cam.
"We have something to tell you" Agus began and looked at me.


The short video turned out to be 10 minutes long and Agus was to lazy to edit it so he put it online right away and we soon got answers on twitter along the lines:
'Aww! You're a great couple!  Good luck you two!'
'I so hoped the rumours were true!

But of course we also recieved hate but we both didn't bother to read through that as we were more than happy to finally let the whole world know about us.

After a while of just sitting there and talking about random stuff a thing crossed my mind.
I have to tell him about the whole moving thing.. shoot...
Well..now or never..

"Uhm...Agus" I began turning towards him and taking his hand.
"I have to tell you something..."

Hey guys!
This chapter is a little early because I'm going on a class trip next week and I don't know if I would have forgot about posting it in all the stress and stuff.
I hope you like it!
Love ya!

agustin bernasconi (Soy Luna)Where stories live. Discover now