Chapter One

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I woke up and got ready for school.

White blouse shirt, Crimson Red plaid skirt, Crimson tie, black blazer, white socks, and plain black ballet flats. That's my school uniform

I added a plain black belt through the belt loops of my skirts and smiled, before sighing

I brushed my hair once, twice, three times, to make it look shiny and straight, before putting it in a fishtail braid, and adding a white headband on my head, and putting my thick, black, geeky glasses on

I grabbed my school bag and set it on my shoulder, walking down the many steps in my parent's 'house' to get to the foyer

"Tessa, you'll be going with Cole to school, today" My father informed me

"But he rejected me" I whined  "Why are you trying to get us both killed?"

"Tessa" He stated angrilly

"Ugh. Fine" I muttered, goin out the door and into the familar car of my 'mate's'

"Bitch" He muttered, driving out of the driveway

"I know I am" I muttered, pulling my sleek white IPhone 5 out of my blazer pocket and scrolling through facebook

"Just because you're a princess, doesn't mean everybody like you" He told me

"Oh really? I never guessed that" I gasped sarcastically  "I have like, 8 friends at school, 2 friends out of school, and about 23 friends on facebook, so no, Im not popular stuck up bitch like you think i am"

"Tessa" He sighed, pulling over into the side of the road  "I don't care about how many friends you have. Im dropping you off at school then going away, to my school"

I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my pocket

"I don't even want to get married to you" I said  "But no. 'Cole is a nice guy, Tessa. He's also your mate so stop your wihining or i'll do it for you'." I immitated my mother's voice, as he carried on driving

"Ugh. Parents, now-a-days" He muttered

He parked just outside my school and I got out the car, and going through the school gates

 "I thought you and cole hate eachother?" My younger sister, Tanya, asked me

"We do" I told her  "My dad forced me to go with him"

I noticed Cole's car in the school carkpark and muttered colourful words

"Why the fuck's he parked in our school carpark?" I muttered

"Because I was forced to come to this school" Cole said from behind me

I let out a growl and ran to my locker

"You dropped your bag" A boy that i've never seen before said, passin me my bag

"Uh... Yeah... I do that a lot, when im in a rush" I told him

"Im Parker" He told me, sticking his hand out

"Im Tessa" I shook his hand and sighed, wishing I had someone decent as my mate, since pretty much everyone in the school are vampires

"Tessa" My twin brother, Wyatt, said, coming to me

"Yeah?" I looked at him, my hair whacking my face in the process

"Have you done your Option English homework?"

"You think I would?" I laughed at my brother  "Do I look like the type of girl who does homework?"

"Yes" My twin nodded, I sighed

"How about now?" I took my glasses off, my hair out so it falls in curls over my shoulder, and hitched my skirt up a little

"Still Yes" Wyatt told me

"Bloody hell, Wy" I sighed, opening my locker, and putting my bag in, before checking my make-up in the mirror

"Have you seen Cole?" My fiance/mate 's bestfriend asked me as he opened his locker, which is right next to mine, and resulting in almost whackin my in the face

"No. Not since this morning when I got out of the car" I told him "Kai, take a break from him,"

"He's my best mate, though" Kai said

"I know" I sighed  "But you're also one of my friends, and you've known me longer than him"

"Oh, there we go again with the 'Me, me, me'." He sighed  "Tess, I know you're the princess and all that, but seriously, it's getting annoying"

"Kai, Im just annoyed, alright? He used to be really nice and everything, and now he's my mate, he's such a fucking dickhead and he makes me feel so depressed I feel like strangling someone"

Kai closed his locker, then he closed mine, before pulling me in for a warm, comforting hug, then I heard Cole's familar growl

"Mine" Cole's voice boomed from behind me

"Oh boo-hoo" I muttered  "I think this is the first time you've ever said that"

"People should have to know" Cole said

"Im off to lesson" I said, turning on my heel and walking to my English lesson

I sat down in my place, next to my bestfriend, Carrie, and opposite Wyatt and the new boy, Parker

"Have you heard the goss?" Carrie asked

"No. Why?" I asked

"Everyone's found out about you and Cole bein mates and forced to marry eachother"

"Well.... Crap" I laughed

"Tess, this is serious" Wyatt told me

"Nor shit sherlock" I said  "Im just laughing at the fact Cole's been here for like, only 2 days, and already got rumours about him already"

"Oh" My twin and bestfriend said, both their mouths formin an 'O' shape

"Yes. Oh" I said cockily, writing the date and title into my book


A/N: Hi. Sorry it's a short chapter. I just wanted to update but I have a curfew to be off the computer/laptop from between 9pm and 9:30pm.



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