CF 05

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"Are you feeling okay, Shinichi?" The doctor asked as he keeps checking him up.

"Yes." Shinichi said with a nod.

Ai on the other hand is silently watching them, with her hands intertwined with each other.

Until now, she cant believe whats happening- finally, he's awake.

She feels complete for some reason.

"Open your mouth." Doctor told and Shinichi gladly do what he said.

"Shinichi!!" Everyone stops whatever they doing when suddenly, Yukiko shouted with her husband behind her.

Yukiko scan the room and saw Shinichi blinking his eyes with obvious shock on his face, her eyes begins to water.

The Doctor, sensing the next scene that gonna happen- step back.

As Yukiko walks towards her son, she wonders her eyes on Shinichi's face- her son is moving- looking at her back.

Shinichi look up a bit, waiting for the next thing to happen- his mother then, holds onto his shoulders- gently squeezing it, but then- she starts shaking him.

"Kudo Shinichi! How dare you make us worried! How dare you making us wait! how dare you--" as Shinichi starts to feel dizzy because of what Yukiko did- he felt warm arms slowly wrapping around his body. "B-but, im so glad that you're safe.." She starts to cry.

Yukiko hugs Shinichi tightly, never wanting to let him go.

Shinichi's expression soften as his arm unconsciously wrapping around his mother.

He then, look at the guy on the door- Yusaku who's teary eyed while watching them with a genuine smile.

When Shinichi smiled back, Yusaku walks towards them- hugging his wife and son.

Ai on the other hand, is wiping her own tears- she stands and up and left the room so they can have more family time.

When she's at the hallway, the Doctor called her.

"About Shinichi.." The Doctor started, yes- he's telling a child about Shinichi's condition because they knew that Ai is smart enough, she proves it many times. "I want to keep him in the hospital for 2 weeks to do some test.." He added.

Ai nodded, all the doctors cant believe that Shinichi woke up even if he's declared brain dead.

But then, they knew that theres miracle.

When the Doctor check Shinichi earlier, it seems like that teenager boy just sleep and the accident didnt seem happened.

There's nothing wrong in his body.

But then, they need to be sure- especially on his current condition.

"I guess you're the one who's gonna told them about Shinichi huh?" The doctor said.

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