CF 03

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Ai yawned as she stop typing on her laptop, she's saving some data about the antidote she's been trying to perfect ever since Shinichi is in the coma.

So far so good, the antidote she have right now can make them back to their original body as long as they want if they keep drinking it, two per day- 1 have a 12 hours effect.

Since that's possible now, she's more focus in the side effects that she's not sure about.

Moments later, she found herself staring at the laptop screen, her mind is in someplace.

Even if the antidote works that way, she still needs to find the perfect antidote to turn their body back to normal, permanently.

Ai let out a tiring sigh as she lean back on the couch then her eyes landed on Shinichi's direction.

She put her laptop on the couch and go to Shinichi's bed, she sat at the edge of it.

Moments later, she found herself caressing Shinichi's hair.

Ai is in her original body, ever since last month- she's been drinking the antidote so she can know if it has side effects.

Other than painful transformation, there's nothing new.

The staff of the hospital thought that she's Shinichi's sibling as well, just like Ai- her child version.

Yukiko, Shinichi's mother introduce her as Shinichi's twin sister even though they had nothing similar about but since Shiho and Ai share the same look- they believe it.

In that way, they will never bother to ask why all of a sudden, a teenager is taking care of Shinichi.

"Your hair is long now.." She gently whispers, she keeps caressing his hair sidewards.

If Shinichi is in his normal condition, she will never gonna do what she's doing right now to him, being this close to Shinichi and caress his hair and his face gives her happiness for some reason.

She doubt that she will still do this when he wakes up.

Shiho sighed as she retreat her hand that on Shinichi's cheek and go to the restroom, she splash some cold water in her face.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Her hair got longer too, its finally touching her back, she put it in a pony tail and go back to Shinichi's room.

"Holy cra--"

"Easy there.." A tan guy said in laughing tone, Shiho stared at him for a second- recovering from surprise, she glared at him for a moment.

"Hattori" Shiho said, she wants to rolled eyes on him but she stop herself. "Visiting in this kind of hour?" She said in a bit sarcasm in her voice.

"Why can't i?" The amusing tone is still there, Heiji Hattori- a very close friend of Shinichi Kudo.

"First, it's 4:00 am in the morning and i don't think so that that's the visiting hour here." Sarcasm but then she smiled a bit, Shiho knows that with Shinichi's parents' connection- she, Heiji and Professor Agasa are the only people who can visit Shinichi anytime.

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