Operating System Organics

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January 4th, 2000, 3:25AM
Jack's Junkyard,
Chicago, Illinois

Jack seemed a bit off kilter, how could he not be? His mind, his sight, his very being had been changed, upgraded against his will, and now his father, could it be his father? Paul was talking to him, guiding him, teaching him about all these tiny little things he was now able to do. One of which was to go into the Cracula itself, the broken, melted down, shattered, abused, weather worn piece of junk that seemed to come out of nowhere and impose its own will upon his life.
 'All I wanted to do was get away from her, get away from all that stress!' he thought to himself as he navigated a series of blue panels that floated in front of his face.
'You're doing good. Cracula is showing signs of improvement!' Paul chuckled to himself, now simply showing as a series of blue Tamas rotating around a small quartet of triangles, each with a randomly generating symbol  on it.
'you're kidding me right? Cracula? The hell kind of name is Cracula?' Jack thought back, irritated.
'Trust me, there's this one kid, Stephany M, horrible writer, she's got an idea or three on the subject... Something involving snake bites and glitter.' The ghost retorted,  'Seems like a horrid idea if I've ever heard it.' Jack thought back to his childhood, stories of vampires and other monsters used to scare the hell out of him, now they just seemed off putting, angsty, and vaguely bored with their current fictional lot in life. 

He moved one last blue panel out of the way, adjusting his sight so he could get a clearer view of the thing in front of him. It looked like a hexagonal ball within a pyramid.
 'We're not playing Yugio again, are we?' Jack asked, already annoyed with his dads antics.
'Just shut up and get on with it.' Paul commented, already kind of annoyed with his sons complaints.  Jack sighed, moving his hands this way and that, maneuvering the blue pyramid in front of his eyes. 'This is still too strange...' He replied, his voice sounding distorted in his heard, as if he were locked in a cement tube.
'That's normal, keep going, you're almost there.' Paul stated flatly, his voice become more machine like the closer Jack came to solving the puzzle.
'Dad? I think I-' before jack could finish the thought, another, fiercer bright blue flash of light over came him, drowning out even his shadow.
'Well... it's about time we had another... Guest.' A voice said, low, growling, seductive, hinting and teasing at temptations that no human could ever conceive of. 'Let's... Bring everything in!' It squealed, high pitched, excited, longingly, the bright blue flash, grew and grew, wider and wider, till it exploded outwards, everything it touched turning into a stream of blue, black and white ones and zeroes, the streaming, screaming, burning data funneling back into Cracula's form, healing it, repairing its broken O.S. with blue, sinew, bones, and organ.
The large stacks of CPU's flinging out veins, cables of the human body, carrying within them the power and liquid electricity that it so rightly needed to boot up.
'Twilight Gigabyte boot up commencing.' A digital voice scrambled out of the busted speaker. Jack's body stiffened, Trex, the Irish Wolf hound, was suddenly seized by the flash of blue light, and when it disappeared, so too, did Jacks long time pet.
"TREX! Where the hell did they take my dog!?" Jack screamed, a cylinder of blue light slowly sppearing over his form. His mind seized as static filled his vision and than faded away, like the tides of an ocean.

Paul only laughed a little bit, his voice turning sinister.
"Your mutt? He's in here, with the rest of the gang... You coming along to get him?"
"You're damn right I am!" Jack screamed, fighting against the push of the blue light that now filled the old run down office.
 "Glad to hear it. Enjoy the trip, it's a big one." Paul said, his voice and face no longer the ones that Jack remembered so well as a child. the blue light, something init, sparked a series of lightning bolts that struck the divorced, middle aged, father of two, two in the right arm, three in the left, one in the chest, another in his forehead. the Bolts of focused electricity kept coming, faster and raster, till all that could be seen was the twitching, lightning covered form of Trex's master, screaming in pain as his body, cell by cell, was changed into digital information and transferred into Cracula's half melted hard drive.

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