Data Lengthed Corruption

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December 26th, 2300, 5:57 PM

Jack was filled with determination, he had leveled up so much that the dataraptors changed into something far more gruesome looking, something terrifying, something that he never even thought about once.
Beings comprised of a thousand daisies, vines twisting, lengthening, evolving. Lines of once blue code turning a deep teal, changing to a light red with every pulse of thought that shuddered through their bodies. Jack just wanted to save his dog, Trex, who he assumed at this point was still alive in Cracula, whatever that word meant when inside a computer. to make things worse, the sky in the Jack Rabbit server wasn't the usual open blue space with white puffy clouds.
No, it was the outside physical world, he watched with terror as people simply walked by the decomposing supercomputer, their forms massive from his perspective, like physical gods walking outside the limits of the very universe, but still very visible.
"What the hell..." He asked himself, nearly taking a lethal hundred points of damage. The Flower things, only continued their assault on him, their hands a twisted and complex clockwork of vines, thorns, roots, and strange glowing lights.
He felt displaced.
Out of sorts.
No longer a part of the world he loved so very much.
Jack simply felt like a simply program.
Priority lists and actionable tasks that simply were done without noticing.
He knew that he was still Human, he had the memories, the emotion, the free will to act as he would.
But lately, he had begun to feel as though he were one of his sons many video game characters.
Bouncy for no reason.
Stuck in place, until their was some form of input from the controller.
The sensation, for him alone, slowed time to a stand still as another memory played before him.
 He was getting kind of sick of this.

August 1st, 1995, 2:30PM
Jacks apartment,
San Jose, California

He watched as Terrance played Gex: Enter the Gecko on his Playstation for what seemed like the fiftieth time, it was a very esoteric experience, as he had been studying Artificial Intelligence behavior and reaction times in Gaming for a company project he was only made aware of recently.
 He was made aware by one of the more recluse programmers in Omegalphinu, a gaming studio currently under investigation by the FBI for injecting viral laced coding into many of their games that caused players consoles to overheat and fry out entire power grids if enough did so at the same time, of the more popular theory that the character models they create become semi sentient beings when bonded to a skeleton and inserted with A.I. 

He felt a little strange after that, wondering if every enemy that was based off the same model was the exact same, or a slightly different one in terms of sentience. He watched Terrance yell and whoop every time the main character of the game, Gex, Tail whipped a ninja and spouted off a one liner that made his son giggle. Jack smiled, rubbing his hand through Terrance's hair, his son shaking it off with a silent glare.
 "Do you think Gex's real?" The Middle School student asked, a small spark of curiosity forming in his mind.
Being the parent that he was, he replied with a mixture of honesty, fantasy, and hard truth. "Well, I guess in the sense that we can see and hear him, though he's just a video game character, little guy. what do you think?"
Terrance scrunched up his face in deep thought, it was something he did when he was in deep thought. Though to Jack, it only looked like he was trying not to poop himself.
 "I think..."


 Terrance's voice trailed off, the sight of his son vanished in a flurry of hard coding and vein like strands of sub routines exploded in his sight.
The pieces of the subtle imagery fell away like a glass bulb exploding.
The fist of the flower thing coming towards him become his focus instantly. He managed to dodge half the blow, the impact first spinning his head, followed by his neck, torso, and the rest of his form.
 "Ouch... God damn it... Just let me see my fucking dog! Why is that so hard to understand!?" He shouted, his eyes twisting in their sockets, attempting to try and make sense of where he was heading.
The area around him had changed in the four hundred years Cracula had been out cold.
Instead of a harsh blue, grey, black, and white polygonal landscape, the area around him had evolved into a lush blue green world, that seemingly stretched into the infinite, the sky a calming patchwork of random images mixed with the outside world passing by.
 The land being a hilly valley, sometimes a forest would shoot straight upwards for miles, connected to the ground by only a few thin roots of the deepest black and gold. 

The oceans, lakes and ponds weren't just solid masses of blue, they had depth to them, layers, differentials in light penetration, and actual ecosystems in them of aquatic creatures too complex for names, yet too simple for the basics of A.I. sentience to take hold.
Jack swore under his breath, the Flower thing continuing its chase through the air, as insect like wings ripped outwards, pushing the plant like creature forward.
The eyes of thing though.
That's what caught his attention.
The eyes felt as if they were just cameras leading to something, or someone much bigger than himself.
And that's when he noticed it, almost too far into the sky to notice, right large enough that it couldn't be mistaken.
 A life bar, hovering over his head.
"The fuck, am I in a fighting game now!?" the Flower things eyes, blank slates of green, teal, and red seemed to confirm this as it put its thorny leaf like hands together, a small sphere of pollen gathering, like a physical ball of tightly compressed powder, only growing gradually bigger and bigger, till it threatened to consume the sky itself. He heard a low warbling noise,as if the thing were speaking in some ancient tongue as the ball of pollen was unleashed, the massive thing roaring through the air, seemingly tearing, clawing away at the sky as it closed the distance between itself and the intended target.
"Fuck! Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck!" He screamed out loud, still flying uncontrollably through the air, only stopping when his head clipped the edge of a steely looking outcrop of a destroyed building.
'I think I broke my neck. Let me ch-' his head snapped back into place, as if by magic. 'This world is fucked up...' He thought to himself, he reached for the Datarangs but found only two small boxes at his sides.
"Damn it, the graphics must be too old to render properly... Let's see what i can come up with!" Jack thought long and hard, but upon realizing that the massive, almost moon sized ball of compressed pollen was about four miles from smashing into him, he rushed the process. the two small boxes became a crudely created set of man sized flame thrower barrels. Jack smiled widely, his eyes trailing the massive things, and than shame hit him in the manly part of his ego. the damned things were pink, sparkly, decorated with unicorns and princess tiaras.
"No... I am not a fucking princess!" He roared, a magical princess transformation taking place automatically, Jack striking a pose as the miniskirt fluttered in the wind.
His only words were, "In the name of the fucking moon, I'll obliterate you! Get wrekt!" The flame throwers went off, large ocean sized beams of liquid fire shot forward, igniting the moon sized object, burning away layer after layer of plant life, but it seemed like it wasn't enough, he needed something a hundred, no, a thousand times stronger.
"God damn it! Alright, Dark witch Umbraic shotgun!" He shouted, his cheeks flushing with intensity as the princess outfit shrank until it seemed he was almost naked except for three triangles covering his pecs and his groin.
"I feel like there should be something more... I dunno, less drafty. Yeah, that's the word." Jack shouted, the flame throwers becoming massive triple barreled shotguns. they blasted away, thundering in rapid fashion as entire chunks of the ball of pollen ripped away, the size went from a moon, to a meteor, to a small rock. It zipped through his left shoulder, and he felt as if a stick of dynamite had explode at the impact site. The Flower thing only cracked its neck this way and that. Jack rushed forward, the dual weapons becoming a pair of sleek looking broadswirds with faintly glowing runes etched into the air just above the hilts.
"I'm going to clip the shit out of you!" He screamed outwardly. The blades sinking slightly into the flower thing, but stopping halfway through the action.
"Oh come the hell on!" 

The flower things eyes began to glow like embers in the distance.

"This... Is not good."

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