Mika's point of view

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"Mika, honey, please wake up!", my mother pleaded. I could tell that she was starting to get annoyed. I couldn't help it. I was in no mood to function, and for a perfectly good reason.
" Mom, you don't understand. She broke my heart." I was referring to my ex- fiancé, Yvette. She dumped me, for no reason. I gave her everything, whatever she wanted. After we had broken up, I was wondering what I did wrong, but realized she had used me. All I did then was lay in bed.
There was something about her I always questioned, her sanity. Both her sister Ella, and herself. Ella was always friendly, but still had a strange sort of plan. She would constantly talk about zombies, and how she would create them. It was never in a selfish way, though, she was just curious to learn more. Yvette on the other hand, not so much. She loathed it when her sister would speak of her studies. What she had against her sister, I don't know. My theory is that she wanted more attention. More power.
My mother gave me a doubtful look and walked out of the room. I went back to sleep and had the most peculiar dream.
It was very foggy, and there was no other color to see rather than grey. After some walking, a figure appeared in my line of vision. I walked closer, closer, and closer still. I eventually realized it was Yvette, and went to confront her. At about three feet from her, I ran into something. A wall. Yvette just stood there with pleading eyes. At that moment I sensed trouble. All of a sudden, a hunched figure starts to shamble towards her. After some examination, I realize it is a zombie. Yvette tries to get away, but it is as someone is holding her back. I watch in horror as she is bitten. Her eyes turn a milky grey, like the fog that surrounds us, and she starts to decay. I try to run, but my feet are glued to the ground. Ella appears out of nowhere and tells me to run. I must run. Another zombie comes, but this time is after me. I try to run. The zombie gets closer. I need to run. The zombie is closer still. Must run. I am bitten. Please run.
I waken with a start, and try to regain my breath. On my side table is two aspirin and a glass of water. I take the pills and chug down the water. Getting dressed, I make my way out the door and run. I don't even loose my breath, which is rare for me. I can't loose my breath. Not now. I must prepare. Doom is upon us.

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