Fear and Hatred's Alliance (Prologue 2/3)

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Alternate Patras, Greece, 1980 AD

It is the middle of the night. The moon reflects off the sea. A warm sea-breeze whistles through the city. The city is a mix of run-down modern buildings and apartments, and Ancient Greek buildings. Despite the late hour, magic-folk still roam the city, dressed in various attires from modern clothing, to Ancient Greek chitons, and even traditional magic-folk robes.

A female demon stands in front of an apartment building, grinning.

She raises one of her hands. Her fingers, made of shadow like the rest of her, curl into a fist. She knocks on the front door of the apartment building.

The sound echoes through the empty street. Another noise punctuates the air, the sound of a door creaking open.

A male demon leans in the doorway of the building. Like the female in front of him, he appears to be made of shadow. Where his eyes should be are two balls of fiery, scarlet energy. When he opens his mouth to speak, the same color is seen.

"Fear," he says, examining the female. "It's been a while."

The female, Fear, chuckles.

"It's been a few centuries, you mean." She speaks with a high-pitched voice, her S's slipping out in a lisp.

Fear chuckles again. Her eyes of swirling gray flicker towards the male, expecting him to laugh along.

The male growls instead.

"What do you want?" he asks, the growl carrying over into his voice.

Fear rubs the bases of her horns, a sheepish smile on her face.

"W-Wanna go on a date?"

The male leaps from the doorway in an instant. He shoves Fear against the wall, his insides and eyes blazing with fire.

"DEMONS. DON'T. DO. ROMANCE." He hisses, glaring at her.

Fear's smile grows, stretching across her face. The energy of her eyes swirl faster and faster. She stares into the male's eyes, leaning in closer to him.

"Pretty...pretty...please?" She asks, drawing every word out.

The male gulps, and nods.


He drops his arms and takes a few steps backwards, a defeated expression on his face. He quivers from the intensity of Fear's terrifying grin. She sure does live up to her name.

The swirls of her eyes died down a bit, and she beamed.

"Great! Where do you want to go?"

"I'm open for anything," the male muttered.

She points to the rooftop of the male's apartment building.

"How about the roof? I've always loved a good view of the sky."

The male shrugged. "Okay."

"Great!" Fear says. A pair of shadow wings grow out of her back, and she flaps them, rising up into the sky. "Come on!"

The male rolls his eyes, and grows his wings, before following the female demon into the night sky.


"Wow! Isn't this view wonderful, Hatred?" Fear asks, grinning. She points to the ocean. "Look how that water is shining!"

"I hate it," the male demon, Hatred, growls.

Fear rolls her eyes.

"Of course you do. But still, you have to admit it looks pretty."

Hatred slaps her across the face. It echoes in the silent night.

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