The Wand Tree

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"This is the last one," Thoth says as he picks a splinter out of Rini's arm. She whimpers.

Thoth picks his wand up and points it to the wound on Rini's arm. The edges of the wound glow gold, and it closes. The drops of blood created by it disappear into thin air.

"You're done," Thoth says, picking up Rini off the kitchen counter she sits on and putting her on the floor. "That wasn't too bad, wasn't it?"

"Thank you," Rini replies in a small voice. "Sorry about the wand."

"It wasn't your fault," Hermes says as he makes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Rini. "It was the stupid wand's fault. It's not powerful enough for you. And it wasn't supposed to explode."

"Will I get a new one?" Rini asks.

"You will," Thoth replies. "This afternoon, we'll be going to the Wand Tree to get your full wand. This wand will never explode or break on you. It will be your forever wand."

"The Wand Tree?!" Hermes splutters, turning around and glaring at Thoth. "That's in the middle of Alternate Adapazari! That area is probably infested with Disgraced and TOAL! They'll catch us!"

"Well, how else is Rini going to learn magic if we don't get her a suitable wand?" Thoth retorts. "That wand you got her was the strongest children's wand on the market. We have to get her full wand. We promised we'd teach her magic. And if the Disgraced or TOAL get too close to her, she can't call the authorities if she doesn't have a wand. Well, provided we aren't in any of their territories."

"What's TOAL?" Rini interrupts. "Mama and Bampás talked about them sometimes. They said they were bad. Are they bad?"

"Yes and no," Hermes answers. "While they're not as bad as the Disgraced, they still aren't very good. They have methods similar to your parents', but different morals and goals. TOAL wants to gain and maintain power, among many other things. The Disgraced just want to destroy and kill, just because they can."

"Oh." Rini pauses. "But why did you say TOAL would catch us? Or get too close to me?"

"Because they want you for your power. Although some want to-"

Thoth catches Hermes' eye and gives him a look, shaking his head just slightly.

Hermes understands.

"Although some want to hurt you, because you're powerful."

"That's stupid!" Rini huffs. "Why does everyone want to hurt me?"

"I can't answer that, because I don't know."

Hermes finishes making the sandwich and puts it on the kitchen table.

"Here's your food, kid."

Rini rushes to the table and begins eating. Hermes and Thoth get leftover spaghetti from the refrigerator.

"So, if we take her to the Wand Tree, shouldn't we wait a couple of days?" Hermes asks Thoth as he sits down and begins eating his spaghetti. "Until both Disgraced and TOAL give up and leave?"

"We should go today, just to get it over with," Thoth replies. "I was thinking we should go as Hermes Trismegistus, just to confuse TOAL, since they're probably looking for just me or you. I also doubt that Hatred himself would be coming here himself to look for Rini, so whoever's here on behalf of the Disgraced shouldn't recognize him. Not to mention Hermes Trismegistus' personal healing magic, which could be useful should something happen."

"What if the Tree gives Rini her quest, and it involves traveling?" Hermes asks. "We're kind of trapped here, until the Disgraced and TOAL get out of here."

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