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Court of the Gods, around 300 BC
A courtroom in the Land of the Gods, used by all pantheons for multiple purposes. Made of marble and takes on Greek architecture, with its fancy columns and steps. It is arranged in the shape of a rectangle, with several rows of benches for spectators, jury, etc. An empty space is in the center. Two balconies are at the ends, for heads of pantheons. Sometimes used as an arena, but that's rare.

Eleven gods materialize onto one side of the court. One of them walks up to a balcony and stands there, at the head of the court. He radiates grace and power.

One of the gods, a buff warrior, growls at the head of the pantheon.

"Zeus! What's the meaning of this? I was about to witness a good kapeleia brawl!"

The head of the Greek pantheon, Zeus, sighs.

"We're here to try Hermes and a member of the Egyptian pantheon, Ares. I apologize for your missed brawl, I'm sure there'll be more."

"Oh, what did that little shit do now?!" Ares snarls, pounding his shield. "I swear, if it's more important than the bar battle of the century...."

"We're here to learn a lesson that'll benefit both of our pantheons," Zeus replies, calm and collected.

Ares' jaw drops. "WHAT?!"

"Our culture and the Egyptian culture are blending. We all need to learn to put aside our differences, and realize that we'll have to coexist with each other for the rest of our existences. We can no longer ignore each other."

Ares mouths some words, but no sound come out. He turns to his left, where a handsome young-looking god sits. He seems to glow with sunlight.

"This better not be about the cows again, Apollo!"

The young god, Apollo, shakes his head.

"It's not. I have no clue what Hermes did this time, but whatever he did, it must have been pretty major...."

A goddess with flowers braided in her dark hair nods.

"I feel bad for the Egyptian god who got involved."

In a flash of light, the entire Egyptian pantheon appears on the other end of the court. They all have the same physical features: caramel skin and dark hair, with varying eye colors, builds, and hair types.

A tall man is standing on the balcony of the Egyptians. He has a hawkish nose, along with silver hair and piercing golden eyes. Above his head floated the sun disk, in between two branches of this man's golden crown.

 Above his head floated the sun disk, in between two branches of this man's golden crown

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The Egyptians notice this man, and they begin screaming at him.


"Ra! Hey, man, what's up? It's been a while!"

"Ra? What's going on? I'm scared."

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