Chapter 1: Got It

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I walked down the familiar halls of school, walking the same path everyday. It feels like my life is just a cycle. School, home, homework, sleep. Then the cycle starts again.

Maybe my life would be more exciting if I wasn't that awkward, unsocial girl who can't even look people in the eyes. But I am.

I walked into my first hour class, looking down at my feet. I sat down in my assigned seat, looking around the room, noticing the same people.

Oh, my name is Kassidy Flynn. I'm a senior in school, and I have no friends. I can't really blame people though, who wants to be around the quiet, weird girl?

The door swung open and the oh so famous Michael Clifford made his way through the door, winking at some of the girls as he walked by, earning a few giggles. I mentally rolled my eyes at these people. His purple and blue hair was messily on top of his head. He looked down at me with his green eyes but then looked away, not giving me a second glance.

He sat two seats behind me. The guy behind me, Calum, was friends with Michael, they were all apart of the 'cool' group. All I could hear all hour was their constant laughter. I refused to look around at them, because they'd probably say something rude.

The bell finally rang and I shot up out of my seat. I was about to reach for the door handle when another hand grabbed for it. I looked up quickly to see Michael look back down at me, my heart rate quickened.

"In a rush?" He smirked. I swallowed loudly but didn't answer. He opened the door and pushed it open, holding it for me.

I walked out as fast as humanly possible to get away from him.

"Hey, wait!" He called after me. I didn't turn around, but kept walking on. "Did you hear me? I said wait." He spit and grabbed my shoulder to spin me around.

"Aren't you going to say thank you?" He asked.

"Thank you." I said and began to turn around but he grabbed my shoulder again, "what's your name?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter," I muttered and kept on walking. I didn't look back at him. He didn't even know my name?

The school day went by pretty fast, classes seeming to fly by. I hadn't seen Michael again and I had no idea why today of all days he decided to talk to me. I've known him since we were in first grade.

I walked out the front doors of school, the wind blowing my hair back. I covered wrapped my arms around myself to keep myself warm and started for the parking lot.

"Hey!" Someone called. I turned around to see who they were talking to. It was Michael, and he was jogging to... Me?

"Hey, earlier today... I'm sorry if I came off as rude, I didn't mean to." He said. Michael Clifford apologizing?

"It's fine." I simply said and began to turn around again.

"You don't like to talk much, huh?" He asked, smiling. I shrugged.

"Michael! What are you doing?" The boy from across the lot called, his face twisting in disgust.

"Just telling her to stay out of my way," he called, not looking away from his face. "Got it?" He said loudly, purposely allowing everyone to hear.

"Got it." I mumbled and turned around and climbed into my car, slamming the door shut. I looked out my rear view mirror and saw he was already back at his car, a girl and himself leaning against his car, kissing.

I pulled out of the lot and drove home, turning on All Time Low to get my mind off today's events.

"Hearts on fireeee tonight, feel my bones ignite, feels like w-a-a-r!" I sang, smiling to myself. I pulled into my driveway and parked. I rolled up my windows before shutting the ignition off and climbing out.

"Hi Kassidy!" My little neighbor, Alex yelled.

"Hi." I smiled at him.

"Is Dylan home?" He asked.

"He should be." I nodded.

"Can you ask him to come out and play catch with me?"

"Sure." I said and walked inside. I dropped my bag on the couch and walked into the kitchen, my mom sat at the counter, reading a cooking magazine. This lady was obsessed with cooking.

"Hey Ma." I smiled at her.

"Hey darling. How was school?" She asked, smiling back.

"Different." I laughed lightly, grabbing a water from the fridge.

"Really? How so?" She asked.

"I don't know... Just different." I shrugged, "is Dylan home?" I asked.

"Right here." He said as he walked in.

"Alex wants you to go play ball with him." I said. He just nodded, grabbing my water and walking out of the kitchen. I gave him a glare and grabbed another.

"I'm going to go study, what's for dinner?" I asked.

"Not sure yet. We'll see what dad wants." Mom smiled. I nodded and walked out of the room and up the stairs to my room. I closed the door and flopped down on my bed looking up at my ceiling.

I pulled out my books after sitting and staring for a good 10 minutes.

I heard dad come in through the door. I quickly shut my books and ran downstairs, to greet him.

"Hey dad." I smiled.

"Kassi-baby!" He cheered and kissed my cheek. Why was he so happy? I laughed and lightly pushed him off me.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" Mom asked, chuckling.

"I got a promotion!" He said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Honey! That's amazing!"

"And my boss called us all over for dinner. So, we're going there Friday." He said. They walked into the kitchen together and I sat down on my couch and turned on the TV.

I didn't want a repeat of today's events, tomorrow. Hopefully he meant what he said and he'd just go away. I didn't really want anyone in my life like him. Anyone in my life at all, other than my family of course. That's all I needed.

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