•Chapter 6: World War 5•

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This was supposed to be a sad chapter but meh anyways may I present you............

World War 4 ;)))

Also, I think this time it won't be as humorous as before I think ;-; my sense of humor is fading so please do understand huhu

Probably the main focus of being drunk here will be Bonnie and Freddy lol

3rd person's POV

"I'm bored" Cherry says as she pokes Carla's side. Both of them are hanging upside down the chandelier out of boredom. Luckily, their parents are busy doing something or else they'll be on big trouble.

"How about we make the guys drunk?" Carla smirks evilly. Lots of mischievous ideas ran through her mind.

"Then blame it to......... Umm"

"To our favorite uncle~ Uncle Bonnie!"


The two stole a large chocolate cake nearby after they threatening the owner of the bakery with their guns. (( They're mafias remember? :)? )) They injects it with lots of different kind of alcohol then they placed it on the dining table and they rushed back to their room laughing.

Oh this would be fun.

After 3.001 seconds later every guys except Gold and Springtrap gobbled down all the cake.

Get ready in 3,,, 2,,, 1~


The loud crash caughts the attention of the other people living in the mansion except Gold, (Y/n) and the twins. The small family decided to go to a hotel and stay there for a few days.

"Robert" Aiko groaned. "Go check what's happening downstairs"

"Mmmm I'm sleepy" Robert teasingly back hugged Aiko. "And besides~ it's our monthsary~ we should stay together cuddling each other and stuff~" (( If one of u ever think smth dirty about that then bathe your brain with holeh water ok? ))


The two couple went back sleeping while cuddling each other. Patches just watches the two doing lovey dovey at each other.

"Ew" She walks out of the room then heads downstairs. Her eyes widen as she saw the chaos happening.

Bonnie: *running around the place wearing only his boxers while holding a pineapple* I FOUND SPONGEBOB'S HOUSE GUYS

Freddy: I FOUND PATRICK'S HOUSE! *helds a huge rock*


Freddy: SURE HERE! *throws the rock at Bonnie's face*


TB and TF: *..................... U guys don't wanna know what's happening between those two*

Freddy: You call that beautiful? Pfft ur face looks like a piece of poop

A piece of poop peacefully sitting on a road: I am hurt guys ;-;

Bonnie: Freddy~ there's something on your face!

Freddy: What is it?

Bonnie: *straight punches him in the face* it was pain betch

Also Bonnie:

Also Bonnie:

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