•Chapter 10: Secrets and betrayal part 1•

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Months later...

Weeks passed and surprisingly, Jared and Kaitlyn become close friends while her twin brother, Lance have found himself in a relationship with his child hood best friend, Laurisse. Unexpected huh? And how? The world may ne-- (( Bonnie: sTAHp that tHinG mKay?! )) shush Bonnie as I was saying..

The world may never know [insert Bonnie's derp face here]

But sadly, Kaitlyn doesn't like her at all. Even though both of them share the same interests and such. She's kind and all but no. At the other hand, Lance doesn't like Jared... :/ so sad.

"JARED~ NOTICE MEEEE~~" Kaitlyn calls out for Jared and as usual, everyone stares at them weirdly.

"They're totally dating"

"or that bitch is tryna seduce him"

"Such a whore-"

Kaitlyn, ofc, over heard their conversation making her rage. Jared was about to stop her but it was too late, he sense his surroundings stop moving and he knew that it was Kaitlyn's work.

With a blink of an eye, the time starts moving again and the aura around her dissolves. She notices that Jared wasn't affected so she stares at him blankly.

"How?" she mumbles with her voice barely audible for anyone to hear.

"I can't tell you yet Kaitlyn" He says making Kaitlyn furious. She walks out raging so Jared went after him.

"Kaitlyn! Where are you--"

"and who are you to follow me?!" she snaps.

"Kaitlyn please just--"

"I knew that you're a freaking bastard from the start you faker!" she yells at him then dashes away.

She ran and ran away until someone grab her from behind.

"I TOLD YOU TO--" She was loss for words as soon as she saw who it was. "Wh-" before she could continue her sentence, her mind went blank.

(( I'll leave you guys In here with this lmao ))


"Where the hell is she?!" Lance cursed.

"Lance what the heck?!" Goldie asks in annoyance.

"I can't find her anywhere!"


Is Goldie that stupid or what--

"Kaitlyn duh" Lance rolled his eyes at him making him glare at him.

"Awww~ he cares for my angel~" (Y/n) cooes as she snatches Gold's pancake away.

"Hey! I was eating that!"

"It's mine now huehuehue" (Y/n) dashes away with the pancake and both of them starts running around the mansion.

"PEOPLE SHUSH MKAY?!" Patches yells as her pups stumble upon her. "YOU LITTLE DEMONS--"

"Sorry mom!" Silver says. (( Yep, the pups, demons rather.. can talk too-- ))

"It was Hershey's fault!" Cobalt points at Hershey who was busy ripping Cobalt's bed.


"Yes mother?" She blinks innocently at her.

"Hershey you're....."

"GROUNDED!" Cobalt yells.

"nope~ Hershey you're totally my daughter!" Patches says happily.

"That's unfair!!"

"Life is unfair--"

"I know that!"

"You know what? I'm leaving" Lance turns around but then to see Laurisse running towards him while crying. "Laurisse? What happened?!"


"Who? Tell me?" Lance growls as he teleports both of them at his room. Laurisse then points at the long cut on her arm and continues to sob. "WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!!"

"Ja-jared" She lets out choked sobs as Lance continues to comfort her. Lance decided to text Jared to come over at the mansion and a few moments later, Jared appears.

"Yo Lanc--" Lance's fist collided with Jared's face. Jared then backs away from him to regain his strength from the pain he received.

"I CAME HERE IN FREAKING PEACE AND YOU GREETED ME WITH A PUNCH?! WHAT THE HECK?!" Jared yells but then Lance just drag him all the way to his room then threw him at the wall.

"Don't pretend to be innocent you freaking fucker" He curses at him.

"I swear I didn't do anything!" He says defensively. Lance threw him another punch but he avoided it this time. As much as Jared wanted to fight back, he can't because he may end up killing him.

"Explain this then!" Lance points at Laurisse's bleeding arm.

"I didn't do such thing!" Jared eyes widen as he sees the wound. He would never ever hurt a girl unless it's necessary.

"Let's talk about your bullshit later" Lance growls. He then walks out leaving those two alone. As soon as the sound of his foot steps disappeared, Laurisse starts to chuckle darkly causing Jared to startle.

"Oh how stupid the twins is" She says then faces Jared.

"You freaking lied!" Jared yells at her but then he regrets doing that. Laurisse tackled him to the ground and took out her syringe. With that, she injects him with some sort of liquid that can cause someone to become weak.

"Huh. This is easier than I thought"



I'll leave u guys hanging here--

'Bruh that escalated quickly'

I'm sorry for that. I'm really running out of ideas and I'm gonna end this real fast.

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