•Chapter 8: Burn •

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I just wanna say that starting from this chapter, the twins have grown older and now they're in high school~ Since they're part robots, they grow up really fast lol


3rd person

The sound of the curtain drawing and the bright light seeping from the window startled a sleeping Lance.

Blinking open his eyes, he saw a familiar face smiling sheepishly.

"WAKE UP HOMEY~" Kaitlyn sing songs as she shook her older brother. Lance groans in annoyance as he pushes his sister away from him.

"Get the freaking hella out of my room and let me freaking sleep alright?!"

"NO! Now wake up before I finish the last piece of Nutella pancakes" Kaitlyn smirks evilly as soon as she sees the reaction of his brother.

Even though the twins personality are different, they still share some interests such as Nutella, pancakes, the infamous nutella gummy bear pizza made by Chica (( An: Remember that pizza? :')) ahh memories )) And etc.

"Now adios sucka" She winks then dashes away as her blonde hair trails behind.

"GET BACK HERE YOU BISH" Lance chases after her as his fox tail laps behind him.  The two raced downstairs to get eat the last  stack of nutella pancakes that Gold prepared for them since (Y/n) still cant cook.

"MINE!" Both twins yells in unison as they both grab the plate of nutella pancakes. The two continued to fought and Patches seems to over heard the loud cusses coming from their sinful mouth.

"YOU TWO BETTER SHUT UP! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HARD TO PUT 3 PUPS TO SLEEP!" Speaking of 3 pups, Patches was pregnant 9 weeks ago and she just gave birth to two boys and one girl. That's right peeps, more demons to feed.

What was that? Who was the father? Welp. It was Robert's dog named Cad. You peeps don't wanna know what's the dog's full name.. (( An: I'll leave you guys hanging what's Cad's full name huehuehue ))

Patches rolls her eyes and went back to her room. While Kaitlyn was busy glaring at Patches, Lance took the chance to grab the pancakes and ate 2 pieces leaving 2 left.

Kaitlyn turns around to see the plate is empty making her gasp. "YOU SON OF A NUTCRACKER!"



"Where the heck is Mom then?"

"The world may never know--"


"Fine fine" She rolls her eyes. "Mom is with Ricky filming a movie"


Kaitlyn sneakily grabbed the last two and ate it.


"Deal with it homey~" Kaitlyn hair flip as strands of hair hits the other twin face.

"You're like mom"

"Well you're like dad"

"Oh for crying out loud both of you are just the same person but split into two" Freddy says as he adjust his top hat.

"Does my face looks like I care?"

"Well your face looks like a piece of sheez"

"Sorry hun, I'm not a mirror" Kaitlyn grins in triumph knowing that she won the fight.

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