Chapter Five

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Here's chapter 5!!!!


*Chapter 5*

(Before Taylor's famous)

{Ed POV}


"Hey!" She looks at me with the most disgusted look on her face. She try's to shut the door but I caught it right before it closed. "Look...I have no idea what I did would be helpful if you could at least give me a hint," I hate how she's acting...I don't deserve it. "Ugh!" She does this really big sigh. "Wanna do homework? We can talk it over....if you're okay with that..." I just want to figure this out. "I guess..." She says. Thank God!!!


{Taylor POV}


I let him in the door and we walk straight to my room without a word being said. "Sooo...." Ed sighed. I guess I should give Ed just a little hint, that 'Sooo...' was a pretty long so so... "Okay so you want a hint? Here it is..." He has the cutest most interesting face on I just had to turn away so I wouldn't get distracted. "" I really don't know how to say this without spilling it all out. "Sooo....." Ed says with the continue motion with his hands. "Ed....I....kind" He looks like he's figured it all out but I don't see how he could've. "You kind of..." He must really want to know. "Like you..." I say looking down at my textbook in my lap....the carpeted floor just got a little harder.


{Ed POV}


"You do?" This was surprising. "I thought you didn't like me..." "That's what I wanted you to think...." She was looking at her textbook like she was ashamed. Well now I wish that I wouldn't have asked Brittany to homecoming. "Is that why you were upset? Because I asked Brittany and not you?" I totally messed up! "Yeah...kind of...." She was looking like she was embarrassed. "Well....the truth that I didn't ask you because I thought you didn't like me either," wait....Brittany didn't say yes though....I still have a chance with Taylor!!!! "Well you can't cancel with Brittany I mean you shouldn't break her heart," "What do you mean? She already had a of right now...I'm not taking anyone to the homecoming dance." Her face brightened a little.


{Taylor POV}


"What? Abigail told me that Brittany said yes," I was confused and happy at the same time. "Yeah...she said she would've said yes but she already had a date," This kind of brightened up my day. " I was technically your second...."All of a sudden I feel myself being pulled in. He kissed me!! Oh my gosh! He kissed me!!! "You will always be my first, never my second." He interrupted me in the best way possible.


{Ed POV}


"Taylor...I love you...I loved you since the day I met you. When I was up on stage and I saw you looking at me...I just fell in love with your beautiful bright blue eyes and your smile," I just had to tell her, she made her confession, it was about time that I made mine. "I...I...I don't know what to say," she had this face of wonder and confusion. I get down on one knee, "Taylor Alison Swift..." I pause...this wasn't the way to ask her to homecoming, I need to do it in a proper way, the most romantic way. I decide to just joke off. "Will me on question number nine?" I think I disappointed her but I couldn't ask her like that, it would haunt me for the rest of my life.


{Taylor POV}


"Oh...uh sure!" I was a little disappointed, I wish he would just ask me to homecoming. "Thanks," he said. I explained to him what to do and blah blah blah...homework homework homework. After about 30 minutes of that, "Wanna work on the song? I have kind of an idea," I ask as I grab Jeffry. "Let me hear it!" He sounded exited...I get nervous, what if he doesn't like it? " you want to hear the chorus? Or just the into?" "Chorus!" He yells in a split second. "Okay, here it goes!" I wait a second and breath. "All I know is you held the door and your eyes look like comin home, I know it's a simple name and Everything Has Changed..." I hear him clapping.... "And right after that starts your solo, mine is at the beginning of the song." "It's amazing!! I love it!" He does a "standing ovation" this was the start of something new.

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