Innocent- Daryl

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You woke up to sound of people laughing and talking as they walk by your cell . You sat up and stretched. You had been at the prison for almost 2 months now and you still weren't used to not having to sleep with one eye open or watching out for something that wanted to kill you.

You got up and. Changed clothes and grab your knife and slid it into your holder on your side and went out to grab something to eat.

" hey y/n " you turn and saw Beth come walking up as always a smile on her face she was carrying a u Judith who was Rick 's daughter." Did you sleep well " she asked

"yeah it still weird not having to worry in the middle of the night " you said as you picked up your plate. " yeah I know what you mean took me a while too " she said as you turn you numb into someone and would have lost your balance if it hadn't been for the rough hand that grab your arms to steady you.

You looked up in surprises your heart jumping at the sight of Daryl staring down at you. His expression unreadable as usual.

" I .. am sorry " you got out " it ok " he said letting you and walking off. You hurried and sat down at a table Beth followed "your face is bright red." She pointed out

" I know " you said that happen every times she talked to him. " Why it is just Daryl " she asked " I don't know he makes me nervous .

" You said. You snuck a glanced at him as he was talking to Rick . You didn't know why you found him so attractive but you did and so you made a fool of yourself every time he was around you had zero experience with men.

" You can tell how you feel about him when you look at him when he not looking " Beth said. You looked at her and groan ." I don't need him to ever find out " you said suddenly not hungry standing up" why " she asked. "Cause I am nothing special " you said walking away before she could reply.


You spent the rest of the afternoon at the fence taking down walkers it was a good way to keep your mind off well everything. You were so intent on your job you knew you should take a break but you just kept going .

You were so lost in your thought that you didn't hear anyone come up until you felt hand on your shoulders. Surprised you turned around to see Daryl standing there frowning at you. " can I help you ?" You asked trying not to sound stupid

" Beth said you been out here all day without a break " he said you shrugged " I guess " you said and turned back to the fence but he stop you again

" you need to go back inside and take a break " he said you jerked away from him " I am good " you said he glared at you " We don't need you passing out here because you don't know when to stop there is no one to babysit you ." he snapped.

you gasp at him hurt at those words.. you force yourself not cry in front of him " just leave me alone " you said and turned back to the fence but all the sudden the crowbar was out of your hands and you were behind flung over his shoulder and marched back inside in front of everyone.. you were so embarrassed.

He finally put you down in front your Cell Beth stuck her head of hers wide eyed.. Make sure she get some rest I have things to do" he said and storm off ..You wanted to scream.. you turn to Beth ..I never want to see that man again. and you storm into your cell and flopped down on your bunk where you promptly passed out.


When you woke up your head felt like it was going to exploded. You rolled over on your back with a moan. You suddenly felt a pair of rough cool hands on your forehead. " hey can you wake up for me and drink something" the voice said softly.. you groan you didn't want to and tried to roll away . The voice chuckled

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