Trapped - Rick

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Summary / You and Rick are out on a run and a sudden summer storm hit and you have to take cover .. While you are waiting certain feelings come to light.

You and Rick had gone out on a simple run to look around for supplies. It wasn't that far from the community. You were excited to be able to get out and have some time alone with Rick. For as long as you could remember you been in love with him. But with everything that had happen you just didnt think it was a good idea to let him know.

" You ready to go?" Rick asked as you walked up to the car your bag slung over your shoulder." yep" you replied and you climbed into the passenger side of the car as he climbed into the driver seat.

" Youre not going to make me listen to any more of your music, are you?" you asked laughing as he playfully glared at you " just for that I just might " he replied and you grinned as he started the car and pulled forward as the gates open.

You settled back into you seat as he sped down the road. " how far are we going out?" you asked " there is an old store about 15 or 20 miles from here that me and Daryl noticed on our way back the other day he replied. Glancing over at you. You nodded and stared out the window.

That when you noticed the dark cloud off in the distances " looks like we might be in for some rain later " you commented. " we need it for the garden " Rick replied and you nodded. You guys fell silent again. And you found yourself lost in your own thoughts y occasionally, risking a peek over at him. Only to find him doing the same

Finally, he broke the silence "So I heard that Gavin been hanging around you a lot lately " he said You glanced over at him. But he was staring straight ahead. " yeah I guess he been helping me with a lot of my daily duties and stuff. " you replied

"Why?' you asked he shrugged " no reason just wondering if there was something going on between you. " he said " I mean after all these years we known each other I haven't seen you taken an interest in anyone " he said.

" Havent have had the best choices to choose from, have I?" you replied and them with a smile added " Beside who says I am not interested in someone you said This made him look over quick with an odd expression on his face.

" who?" he asked and you giggled " why do you want to know?' you replied just curious " that is all " he replied looking back to the road. " Maybe I will tell you later you replied as you noticed the store coming into view you pulled out your gun checking the bullets and then making sure your knife was in you holder on your side.

" You ready?" He asked as he pulled the car to a stop " as ever you replied as you both climbed out of the car weapons in hand.


The store had a few supplies that you could use so you go busy transporting the supplies back to the car. You worked in silence for a while. You mind replying the conversation from earlier wondering why he was suddenly interested who you liked. It was all too confusing beside you couldnt tell him it was him. That would make things to akwarared.

You were walking back outside to bring more stuff to the car when it started down pouring you yelp and ran back inside the building just a huge clap of thunder rolled and not a second later lightening flashed.

" that came on fast you said as Rick came up beside you. The two of you watch as the wind began to pick up" we are going to have to wait it out " Rick said " probably need to stay away from the windows. " he said

There was a little office that had no windows that you guys settled in as the storm outside got worst Looks like we are going to be trapped here for a while " he said as you settled down on the floor of the office. It was cramp and you felt like you were practically sitting in Rick's lap but it worked.

" here " he said grabbing you by your waist and pulling you the rest of the way onto his lap. You gave him a look He shrugged " figured it be more comfortable he said as his arms wrap around your waist pressing your back closer to his chest.

You tried your best to ignore the fact his lips were very close to the bare skin on your neck you couldn't run the risk of him feeling the reaction running through your whole body.

" so are you going to tell me who you are interest in he said softly as he leaned and talking softly into your ear. You closed your eyes and tried to concentrated on the question and ignore your body reaction and your instinct to turned around and kiss him.

so are you going to tell me why you want to know" you asked him with a grin you turned your head to look at him and was caught in his gaze. It was heated and once it dropped down to your lips it got even darker and more heated.

" Maybe it just because I don't want to share" he said as his hands came up one wrapping around the back of your neck and pressing your head forward to meet his lips. The other hand was tangled in your hair slightly tugging it to get your head at the angle he wanted for the kiss.

You twisted in his lap as the kiss contiuned to get deeper the limited space not good for either one of you. The need for air finally cause the kiss to break the only that could be heard in the tight space was each of yours heavy breathing.

"So maybe not the best place to start something like this " he said You grinned I am sure we can get creative " you said earning a chuckle from him as he settled his back against the wall pulling you against his chest

I will show you creative when we get back " he said as you relax back against him his lips found their way to your neck. You closed your eyes. " Not going to be able to wait if you keep that up " you said.

"well tell me do I have to worry about anyone at home?" he asked as nip at your ear and one hand started to slip underneath your shirt. You couldnt stop the moan that escape your lips .and you couldnt have lie to him at this point " No it only been you " you said good " he said as he nips at you ear again.

" really trying to kill me, aren't you?" you asked " not before we get to the best part " he said on a sigh but stop his movements. For a moment, you two just sat there listening to the storm rage on outside.

" how long do you think it going to last?" you asked him hard to tell storm likes these usually strike hard and fast and leave quickly most of the time " he replied tighten his hold on you.

You felt him rest his head against your back. Despite the storm raging on outside it was very peaceful and calm inside and you knew that you would remember this moment if you lived.

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