Baby girl -Rick

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Summary - Rick finds out your Jealous when other Woman flirt with him and so he makes it his mission to make you feel better..

" I am not jealous " you said giving Michonne a look. Michonne return the look with one of her own. "Really then why have been glaring at the poor girl the whole time he been talking to her like she commented murder." she replied.

I dont " you said but couldnt help glance over across the street where Rick was leaning against the step railing one foot on bottom step talking about something as the woman. Whatever her name was. Pretty much drool over him.

Not that you couldnt blame her Rick was the complete package man good looking, loyal to his friends and family. A good steady leader you could easily see why woman found him attractive.

But Just because youre the one he holds at night doesnt mean you like to see another woman flirt with him. You trust Rick it the other woman you dont.

When Michonne gave you, another look you sigh " Ok fine maybe I am. but I shouldnt be because he never given me any reason not to trust him " you said Michonne nodded "true you can tell by the way he looks at you how he feels for you " she replied

That made your heart speed up. The relationship between you was still new as you both had wanted to take it slow because of his kids. But you knew your feelings were growing quickly for him.

" well when he gets done chatting over there will you let him know I am heading over to help count the medicine supply. " you said. Michonne nodded and with one last look at Rick you turned and walked off down the street.


You were finishing up the count and writing down what was getting low as the other woman talk around you. It was Denise and April and Janice. They were giggling over something when Rick walk into the house

" howdy ladies he said grinning you looked up meeting his gaze." howdy boss man what can we do for you?" you replied he walked over to you pulling you to your feet.

"Can't I come see you just because?" he asked speaking softly as he pulled you into his arms. Your eyes widen as you were very aware that everyone was watching as his mouth came down on yours

You imeadititly wrap your arms around his neck without thinking. He nipped at your bottom lip before pulling away with a grin. " I will see you at home baby girl he said before letting you go ladies " he said to the other before walking out.

The rest just look at you wide eyed then April grinned. " well I dont know about any of you but I need a nice cool drink after that " she said and that got the rest of the you giggling.

" I would be hurrying home if that was waiting for me " Janice said and you just rolled your eyes. But couldnt stop the grin on your face.


Later that day you and carol were settled on a blanket on the front yard with Judith between you two while you guys ate lunch. " It's a very pretty day " Carol said. You finished up eating and stretched out on your back hands behind your back

"If all days could be like this " you said closing your eyes you laying there listening to Judith talk nonsense for little while, you let yourself doze off and on until you felt a pair of warm lips on yours.

You didn't even have to open your eyes to know who it was, you smiled into the kiss as your hands found their way up his arms that were on either side of you. They ran up his shoulders find their way into his hair.

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