Fighting for you

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your not in a very healthy relationships and you found yourself half In love with Daryl. That just makes things worse . you want to fight to get to a place where your happy. But you had no clue how to do that.

Warnings : physical abuse ,

Every day it was getting harder and harder to keep the secret you were so desperately trying to hid from everyone else. You didnt want anyone to worry about you so you kept this to yourself. Everyone knowing would not change anything so there was no point to cause anyone else any worry .. "Go get me a plate " John gruff voice broke though your thoughts as you two walked into the common area of the prison .Where the food was being handed out because of the rain coming down outside. You sigh and made your way to the line to wait for the food. You glanced back over at john . You had been with him before the world turn upside down. He had always been a little dominating but lately it had been getting worse in fact you had a bruise on your hip where he had shoved you just the other day and you had fallen to the ground. To be honest with yourself he was starting to scared you more than anything outside of the prison walls ever could.

So you found it easier to just do what he said instead of fighting back. "Y/N" you turned around at the sound of your name and Saw Daryl walking up to you with two plates in his hand . He handed you one " already got yours " he said. " Thanks but I have to get John his so can you put my plate on the table " you said. Daryl scowled " why cant he get his own food " he said you sigh " he tried I guess from working all day " you replied the scowl on Daryl 's face deepened "well you worked hard today to. I can tell you exhausted why do you have to wait on him hand and foot. " he replied. You place a hand on his arm " It ok I am good just go put my food on the table and I will be there in a min" you told him . He just stared at you for a second and you had to keep yourself from getting lost in his beautiful blue eyes that despite his rough outer exterior had such kindness about them when they looked at you. He finally nodded and walked back over to the table setting your plate down.. You watched as John leaned forward a frown on his face and said something to Daryl .. You were to far away to hear what they were saying but Daryl lean forward and said something to John who just glared at him until Daryl walked away to settled against the wall to eat his food. After a couple more minutes you had his plate in hand walked back to the table. " here you go " you said as you sat his food in front of him and then sat down. "What was that about ?" You asked " someone doesnt know how to mind their own business . " he grumbled as he started digging into his food. You sigh and looked over your shoulder at Daryl who was still looking in your directions glaring at john. But he soften his gaze when his eyes met yours . You gave him a small smile and looked away and focus on your food.

You had found yourself attracted to Daryl from the first day that you had met him. When his group had found you and John held up in a little store trying to fight off a group of walkers . There had been something about the way he looked at you. John being extremely Jealous didnt like him and he had made clear from day one. So you tried to keep those two as far as part as possible. You knew if Daryl every found out how Rough John got with you sometimes he would literally kill him. So to avoid bloodshed you kept quite.

A couple days later you were on watch with Daryl for most of the afternoon. It was the most relax that you had felt in a while. With it being just you and him . John was working on collecting fresh water with a couple other guys. "What do you see in him?" he asked you out of the blue. He was standing behind your back was to him as you stared out of the window. You sigh . " I am not sure really " you admitted " at first it was nice having someone who wanted me found me attractive " Then the world crashed and burned and I stayed because I couldnt survive on my own." you replied. "What about now ?" your not alone now ?" he asked you turned around your heart speeding up as you realize he was a lot closer than originally thought. " I dont know I guess I am a little scared .." you admitted . You watched as he step forward and your breath caught in your throat as he slip an around your waist and pulled you closer to him. "You dont have to be scared as long as I am here " he said softly you didnt know what to say to that you just stared up at him allowing yourself to get lost in his blue eyes. It took you a moment to realized what was happening. It wasn't until his lips met yours softly that it became all to real. You open up to him without really thinking he pulled you even closer deepening the kiss . You were lost in each other for a couple minutes until someone shouting your name broke the spell . You pulled back trying to catch your breath . You couldn't look at him afraid of what else you would do. " I better go " you said and headed outside to find. John was the one who was calling you ."I was calling for you why didn't you answers " he demanded. " I am sorry " you said softly "you were with him weren't you ? He asked. Gaping you by youth roughly. " we had watch together that was all " you said wincing at the pain your arm . " we will take about this later " he said before letting you go. You took a deep breath and try to calm your racing heart.

it was much later when you finally headed back to your cell that you shared with John. You had waited as long as you could to go to bed. Even volunteering to cleaned up after dinner to put off being alone with John. But eventually you had no choice to bit the bullet and take what you knew what was coming. You slipped inside the dark cell. You knew he wasn't sleep he wasn't snoring. But he was there just waiting. Finally he spoke " it took you long enough to get in here " he said darkly. " John I am sorry I don't " he didn't let you finish he grab you by your arm and pulled you down onto the bed rolling himself on top of you. Fear ran though out your body. You struggled to get away but he was to strong away for you. " do I need to show you to remind you who you belong to. " he said. Practicality growling in your ear. You couldn't respond fear over taken you. Hot tears running down your face. But you kept struggling but a sudden hit to your face had you almost blacking out . Then his hand wrap around your throat and stared squeezing. Everything begin to get blurry and darker as the air was slowly cut off . You used the last of your strengthen to throw your leg up into his middle and he doubled over releasing you immediately. You took that chance to roll out of bed and even though you were coughing hard and very lightheaded you managed to get out of the cell struggling to stay standing . You could hear John yelling behind you. You didn't know where you were going but you had to get away . Suddenly a pair of arms came around you . It caused you to jump and started to struggled again." hey calm down it only me " you recognizes Daryl 's voice in your ear. You stop struggling and collapsed into his arms . You could hear other people talking around you but you couldn't find the energy to open your eyes . You could hear Daryl talking to you but his voice sounded so far away. You couldn't have stop yourselves from falling I to the darkness that was Threatening to consumed you. All you knew was that you were safe and that was all that mattered.

You weren't sure how long you had been out . But the first thing you were aware of when you did finally come around. Was that you weren't in your cell and you weren't alone . Someone had their arms wrap around your middle holding you from behind. You could feel the soft breaths on the back of your neck and you could hear the slow heavy breathing of the person behind you as he slept. You didn't have to look to know who was holding you . That why you were feeling so safe. You slowly rolled over your back and turned your head so your watch him sleep for a minute. You didn't know where John was or what happen . But laying here like this with him you didn't really care. All of the sudden his eyes slowly opened and he was starting at you. After a few minutes he finally spoke. " how are you feeling "he asked " I think so but what happen ?" you asked wincing at the soreness of your throat. "he attacked you "He said frowning " he tried to kill you " he said as he brushed some of your hair out of your face. You sigh and closed yours eyes for a minute before opening them back up to look at him. "I. Don't even know what I did ?" you said "unless he saw us kissing I don't know what I did to cause this " you broke down and he pulled you closer to him . You buried your face in his chest and just cried. " you didn't do anything " he said " this was all on him. He shouldn't have never laid his hands on you " you took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down. You looked up at him. "where is he now " you asked . "Rick 's got him in lock up until' we can decided what to do about him" he replied. " but you dont have to worry about him no matter what I won't let him hurt you again" he said leaning forward placing a kiss lightly on your lips "I wish you head told me earlier what was going on " he said as he pulled back a little . Your heart doing flips in your chest . " I couldn't I was ashamed to have you or anyone know what was going on " you admitted " well your safe now and that all that matters and I am going to make sure that you will stay safe from now on . " he said . " how ?" you asked . To answer your question he kisses you again a little more deeper this time. You couldn't help but respond to it. You rolled yourself over where you were completely facing him letting your arms worked their way up his chest . You heard him groan but then he was pulling away . " keeping you by my side " he said simply you raised yourself up a little to give him a look " are you serious ?" you asked Suddenly he stiffen beside you and slid his gaze away from yours ." well only if you want to I mean I wont force you "he said. Before he could push away from you, you grab onto him " no ..I mean yes I want that " you said wincing at how stupid you were sounding.. But the smile that suddenly appeared on his face boosted your self esteem. You leaned forward and captured his mouth with yours in a bold move on your part . He wrap a hand around the back of your neck and deepen the kiss . " youre the only one I truly feel safe with so I have no problem with that at all " you said softly and you closed your eyes as your words ended up on a moan as his hands started moving along your body and his mouth moving from your mouth down to your neck . He pushed you down where you were on your back and he was sliding on top of you. Looking up at him you couldn't image being anywhere but with him here now and you knew without a shadow of a doubt he would always keep fighting for you.

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