Two to One

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AN: WARNING! If you're a crier... GET TISSUE NOW!

Nathan's POV
Time skip... (4 years later)

"Finally. About time I get my girlfriend out of here." I picked up one of Haley's bags from her shared apartment with Jordan.

" As if you weren't less than an hour away. You saw her more than I did. You stole my roomie."

" Yeah, so she wouldn't be alone with you."

" Nathan, leave Jordan be." Haley rolled her eyes and laughed.

" So what now? We're not students anymore."

" I VOTE CLUBBING!" Victoria yelled from another room.

" Actually, Haley and me have to leave."

Today is the day... I'm gonna do it...

" Wait. Leave? Why?" she pouted. " We just graduated. We should spend time with our friends. "

" But I have plans for us. We have a flight to catch."

" A flight?"

" We'll come back. I promise. In a day or two if you  want. Just consider it a little... mini vacation. BYE SEE YOU GUYS SOON!"


" Just fuckin trust me okay. Don't you think my plans might be exciting?" I sighed.

" Oregon?"

" Nope." I laughed.

" Ummm-"

" Don't stress the fuck out. Just embrace it."

" Well, sorry. I'm curious. You kinda just kinda threw this at me."

Time skip

" Nathan, I swear if we came to some irrelevant ass place-"she said and I removed the blindfold causing her to scream. " Nathan, you didn't."

" I did."

" I'm home. Oh my god... Come here. I'm driving. "

" Driving what?"

" Don't freak... Please." she walked behind the airport and into a garage. She took out her keys and opened one that revealed...

" A  motorcycle?!" I laughed.

" Yeah. Scared of them?"

" Nope. not one bit."

" Good. Because we're going to my actual home. We've got a 40 minute drive. You up for it?"

" Sure. Why not? "

" Get on and hold on"

After a 35 minute drive, she pulled over at a highschool and started crying. Like happy tears, but still.

" You okay?"

" Yeah, I have to video call Jordan." (AYEEE just realized we're in this year kinda now. Cool. Or atleast close...😂😂😂woah)

" Hey! Wait... Are you in Tennessee?"

"Yep. And look" I showed him the dreaded school that at the time I thought was the worst school ever... Little did I know... (but seriously. It sucks ass.... 3 more years...unless I take online courses)

" Oh my god! You can go in. They're open."

" Without you? No not ready to face that."


You're Not Crazy - LIS Nathan PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now