Wherefore art thou, detective?

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In a few short days, Jacqueline had made her way over to the airport, with her sister attached to her hip the entire way. When they parted, Brenda made it very clear that she was going to call her at every single opportune moment. This was a promise. She also made her promise that she would recount every singular event that happened over seas in every fleeting detail. Of course, this was something Jacqueline could not refuse, given Brenda's ever present, forceful manner.

While boarded and in the air, Jacqueline couldn't get that stupid detective out of her mind. It was quite the peculiar instance, as her sister's words reoccurred in her head and images- different each time- of the detective flew around in her head. They came in turns to her; First, the possibilities that he was some tragic little creep with an oddly unkempt mustache, or a weird fetish of some kind, but then there would be images of a tall handsome stranger that made her heart thump incredibly hard against her ribcage. A tall dark knight. Or at least something like that. These colourful pictures swirled around in her conscience like a bitter cocktail, mixed by a bartender who had never seen the ingredients list in their life. Bits and pieces of delicate, delicious appearances horribly paired with rancid and detestable archetypes and personalities. All until she felt the deep reaches of fatigue, were different theories tossed around and morphed until they were new ideals entirely. She decided to give in to some sleep, as she figured she would need it. Every face and distinction faded into black as she slowly succumbed to gentle sleep. As it seemed, she would need it for coming days. And even the coming weeks.

~~~On the ground~~~

"Sherlock Holmes, you wake up this instant!" Sherlock cracked one eye open and looked around himself.

"Go away, Mrs. Hudson, I'm sleeping." Lazily, he complained. John stood there, bewildered, but shortly came to his senses.

"Hold on," He grabbed the edges of Sherlock's duvet tightly and yanked them so hard, Sherlock fell out of his bed and rolled into his nightstand. The small clock that sat at the edge of his nightstand fell and hit him in the forehead. He sat up with a growl, covering his head. "I am not Mrs. Hudson, Sherlock. And you are late!" He pointed to the clock that had fallen onto Sherlock, now operating beside him, and walked away angrily. Unbeknownst to Sherlock, he had been stood there, in Sherlock's room, calling out to him for fifteen minutes with almost no result. He was fed up, to say the absolute least.

Sherlock laid on his back and winced in pain. He turned his head to the side and slowly opened his eyes. The moment they were focused, he saw the time. 9:27. He rested his eyes once more before he realized what the numbers on the clock were and what they meant. 9:27! He flicked them back open. 9:28! It would take him more than 20 minutes to get down to the airport! He was actually late!

"John! Mrs. Hudson! Someone, put on the tea! And quickly!" He shot up and headed for the shower.

"Do it yourself! You're the one who's late!" John's voice sounded annoyedly from the kitchen. From his tone and the fact that he was in the kitchen, Sherlock could surmise that John was already making himself a cup of coffee. It was only a matter of how long John had to stand over Sherlock while he slept, to determine whether or not he would also make him one. Too tired to fully deduce, he had to assume that his flatmate would decide what was best for him.

"Thank you!" Sherlock shouted as he threw his clothes off and almost fell into the shower. In the kitchen, John sighed, grabbing the ingredients for a cup of tea.

"Bugger off." He said silently, in reality, a bit too tired to deal with his best friend's furry if he didn't make him what he wanted.

~~~On the southside of Litterworth airport~~~

Jacqueline had already gone through the meticulous struggle of customs by the time Sherlock had even reached the airport. She slipped through easy enough, but somehow managed to delete her message trail with Brenda while trying to text her. 

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