Welcome to The Life

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The next morning, John was abruptly awoken with a scream. He shot up from his bed as quickly as his legs could allow and attempted to round the corner, only to run into the threshold of his door.

Another scream. This time from a different person. Younger, from the sound of it. John pinched the bridge of his nose and waddled to the next room. In front of Sherlock's door, a disgruntled Mrs. Hudson, staring into the room.

"Yes, Mrs. Hudson? Are you alright this morning?" John asked tiredly.

"Oh." Mrs. Hudson regained herself. "Excuse me, John. I didn't mean to wake you. I just wasn't quite expecting such a sight." She gestured into Sherlock's room just as Jack scampered out, holding her glasses and her shoes tightly to her chest. John watched her in awe. As he reached out to Jack, she smacked his hand away and slammed the door to his room. He let his hand fall away.

"I should probably elaborate." John cleared his throat and waved his finger towards Jack. Mrs. Hudson shook her head at him dismissively.

"There's no need. I can piece it together myself." John squinted his eyes at her. He didn't understand her. She gave him a small, meaningful smile. "As long as the two of you are happy."

"Mrs. Hudson, what do you mean?"

"Well..." She blushed. "It's obvious with your new roomie." John scrunched his eyebrows instinctively.

"What's obvious?"

"Oh, John. Don't make me say it." She looked down the hall in the direction Jack went in. "Lovely girl. What if she gets pregnant? Who'll take care of it? Who will the father be?" She wondered. John opened his mouth, moving his lips in the shape of words that wouldn't come out. Unable to tell her that nothing so scandalous was going on between Sherlock, Jack, and himself, he moved Mrs. Hudson out of the doorway and stormed into Sherlock's room.

"Sherlock Holmes!" He yelled as he slapped Sherlock's cheek. Sherlock shot up with a nauseously confused, tired expression.

"Wh-What?" He looked around. "Where'd old what's-her-face go?" John pulled Sherlock's sheet over his face, laughingly not even wanting to look at him.


"Again, I'm so sorry, Jack." John apologized for the umpteenth time today.

"And what's he, chop suey?" Jack joked, putting down the mug John had given her and trading it for John's newspaper.

"He's erm..." He looked down and sighed. "I'm not even sure." That made Jack giggle. John lifted his head and smiled. She was seated in his chair with his newspaper, and his mug. Those things belonged to him, and he wouldn't even let Sherlock entertain the thought of touching them, but somehow with Jack, it was easy. She made it easy to relax and to trust her. She was a true gem.

"So... John." She stopped laughing and looked at him. "Who was that lady with you when I woke up?" Her eyebrows arched in question.

"That, my dear Jack, was our land lady." He continued to smile at her, which made her want to smile back.

"Oh." She thought about it. "She won't raise you guys' rent because I'm here now, will she?" She seemed to wince at the idea.

"Oh no, dear. She's just a bit confused on you at the moment." He assured her, placing a hand gently on the one of her arms that was down on the chair arm. "But she's a very nice, understanding lady, you should know. When she comes back down, she'll probably be in a much better place to understand your being here."

"Well I guess that's a relief." She broke his gaze, fixing hers to the paper in front of her.

"Yes, quite the relief. But not at the moment." Sherlock waltzed into the room looking much more fixed up in a black suit, hair combed. He tore the paper from Jack's hands and set it on the table before fixing up an unseen flaw on his suit. "We, unfortunately for the two of you, have somewhere to be." Whilst John was still watching Jack, he noticed her chest lower and her eyes roll before she sat up.

"And where would that be, Mister snuggle-up-ums?" She sassed, probably hinting at last night's unintended activities. Sherlock turned from her, hiding his face in the sunlight of the drawn curtains.

"We are on another case." He put his hands on his hips.

"Excuse me, Sherlock." John stood up and blinked. "We're already on a case."

"And already being on a very inactive and once before completed case doesn't pay the bills."

"You've never been worried about the bills before." John argued softly. Sherlock was already on his way out of the door by the time John finished. He came back in after several seconds of Jack and John confirming each other's confusion with their eyes.

"Are you two coming?" Jack moved sluggishly out of John's chair while he waited patiently.

"Alright, Snuggles. Let me grab my coat."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Very small chapter for me, I know! I'd like to know how you guys like it, though. Would you rather me write in shorter chapters like this or in really large chapters like I have been doing? I just have a small problem of not really knowing how to shut up when I'm writing a piece, and I think that really draws you guys away from the story and more towards having to read a big scary chapter with over 2,000 words.

So that's it. I'd like you guys to please let me know which length you prefer for the chapters of this story. Enjoy the next chapter!

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