Chapter 4

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"I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!" he screamed throwing his hands around, his eyes searched for any expression in my face.

I had evolved feelings for Edward but I hadn't let it cross my mind, everything had suddenly come back to me like a dream, how he acted as a kid around me. I stood there speechless still processing the words he just poured out, unsure of how to respond.

"I..." I was cut off by lips crashing onto mine; big strong hands cupped my pale face. I responded quickly, wanting more of his soft, addictive lips. He softly bit my bottom lip, intruding my mouth making me feel vulnerable. I tangled my fingers into his curls, pulling only slightly and receiving a throaty groan, he pushed me against a wall pushing his hips into mine.

His hands wondered up and down my sides, wrapping around me tightly and pulling me closer to him. I grabbed his collar, never wanting the moment to end, I felt him smile into the kiss. I pulled away and looked into his marble eyes as he looked into my hazel ones.

"What's wrong babe?"

"N-nothing" I looked down smiling a little, he lifted my chin with his index finger.

"Come on I think I better get you home" he smiled weakly and intertwined our fingers, walking back to his Audi. When we arrived, we walked up slowly to my flat, I unlocked my door and grabbed Edward hand and walked him inside. He watched me closely as I made my way around the kitchen getting out his cup and making us some tea.

I handed him his tea and walked him down to my bedroom, I turned on my small TV and laid down on my bed, I patted the empty spot next to me and Edward slowly walked over and laid next to me. I shuffled over and snuggled into his side; he draped his arm over me and pulled me closer, he kissed the top of my head and rested his on top of mine, lifting it every so often taking a sip of his tea.

*Edward's POV*

I heard faint snores fall from Rachael's mouth; her right hand had gripped my shirt tightly while her left lay peacefully above it. I admired her soft pale skin, the tiny spread of freckles that covered her cheeks and nose, her long eyelashes that rested upon her plump cheeks, the small scar just hidden by her hair line from when she fell over on some rocks.

My eyes started to close; I opened and closed them once more before sleep won over me. I fell into a deep sleep, I felt safe... complete... loved. I woke up with a warm body lying on top of me, I rubbed my eyes and slowly pushed her off and onto her pillow, she stirred a little and then got a hold of a pillow and cuddled that, I was about to walk out of the room until looked back and noticed the box I had given her more than a week ago.

I walked over and opened it, I smiled weakly knowing she hadn't opened it yet but I knew she was going to soon... well hopefully. I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked out onto the balcony with my phone, smokes and lighter. I lit up a smoke and took a deep inhale, I heard small footsteps and a little mumble.

I turned around to see Rachael rubbing her eyes and smiling at me, god she looks cute when she just wakes up, ok Edward focus.

"Good morning" she walked out and sat on the other chair across from me; she rested her feet on the balcony's fence.

"Morning beautiful" I smiled back at her.

"What time do you have work today?" she asked rubbing her eye.

"11... I can't believe you remembered, all my past girlfriends never remember"

"So I'm your girlfriend now?" she smirked at me.

"Do you want to be?" she looked down and back up at me.

"Hmm what was that Edward?" I knew what she was doing; I put out my smoke and stood up, kneeled down in front of her and took her hand in mine.

"Rachael Taylor, will you do honour of being my girlfriend?" I asked loudly with a big grin.

"Yes I would Edward Styles" she answered back just as loudly, we both stood up and I pulled her into a hug and spun her around.

I put her down and looked into her eyes; I grabbed her hand and put it to my chest.

"This... keep it safe for me, don't break it" she nodded and wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest.


"I better go, I have work in an hour" I looked down at my phone.

"Okay, I'll see you later" she walked me to her door, I grabbed her waist and pulled her up against me and kissed her passionately, she giggled and put her fingers over my lips.

"Go, or you will be late" her smile was so contagious I could help but smile when she smiled. I gave her one last peck and walked up to me flat to get ready.

*Marcel's POV*

"Oh, erm h-hello Heather, h-how are y-you?" I asked nervously.

"Hey Marc, I didn't know you were working today" she chirped back at me. Heather and I became friends in high school, she was amazingly beautiful. She had long curly brown hair, tan skin, deep brown eyes with a golden glow.

"Yeah, ha ha... erm Heather are you doing anything, erm later?" I felt my palms getting sweaty.

"No... I'm free as a bird" she smiled at me with her perfect smile.

"W-would you like to erm g-go for a coffee?"

"I would love to, come and get me when your shift is over" she brushed her hand over mine, my face was as red as a beetroot, I could feel it.


"Erm, hi Heather" I tapped her shoulder softly. She turned around and gave me a hug; control yourself Marcel don't screw this up. We walked around the corner to the café; I ordered our beverages and sat down at a booth, she sat opposite me and rested her hands on the table.

"How have you been Marc?"

"Oh, I've been good m-my best friend from when I w-was little moved back"

"Aww, when did she move away?"

"Almost 10 years ago" I looked down and removed the sweat from my brow.

"Is she pretty?" I could sense a little jealousy for some reason.

"W-well, erm yes she's an attractive young woman"

"Prettier than me?"

"Uh, erm I believe all women are p-pretty or beautiful, but I'm not attracted t-to her like that if that is what y-you mean"

"Aww Marc you're so sweet" she put her hand on top of mine. I heard my name being called and I got up and collected our order and brought it back to the table.

"Heather, erm d-do... are you-would you, erm - Marcel just say it" she smiled at me reassuringly.

"Would you like to go out on a date with me!" I blurred out, her smile grew.

"I would love to Marcel, 6:00pm next Friday?"

"Uh sure, I'll pick you up at your place?" I fiddled with my glasses nervously.

"Perfect" she smiled at me warmly and rested her hand on top of mine, and then we ended up intertwining our fingers together.

*Harry's POV*

"Mate, you're a free man let's go clubbing tonight" Louis slapped me on the back.

"Nah, I might stay home its Sunday and I have work tomorrow I need to be sober"

"Haz" he whined like a seven year old.

"Lou" I whined back giving him a smirk.

"Plus mum wants to have a Sunday dinner, you can come if you want"

"Yes! I love your mum's roasts!" he jumped around excitedly.

"I'm just going to call Ed to see if he's going to bring anyone"

I searched through my phone and found Edwards number, I pressed the contact and it began ringing.

"Hey Haz what's up?" he sounded extremely happy.

"Hey mate, are you coming to mums tonight?"

"Yeah, I have news for everyone"

"Is it the same news that is making you sound happier than you usually are?" I smirked.

"What, I'm always like this"

"Bullshit, not this happy" I chuckled.

"Yes it is" he mumbled.

"Can wait to hear what it is, oh before I go what time are you planning to go to mums?"

"Around 4 because I need to get home and wash off and all that shit"

"I'll be there at 4 too, see you later Ed"

"See ya mate"

I hung up and put my phone down on the kitchen bench and walked down to my room and got changed into some grey shorts, white singlet and my sneakers, I threw on a snapback to hold my hair back. I searched for my head phones and iPod; I said my goodbyes to Lou and started jogging around the neighbourhood.

I slowed down and looked up, closing my eyes tightly and breathing heavily. I felt someone bump into my left side; I opened my eyes quickly and pulled out my earphones.

"I'm so sor - Harry?" her smile grew.

"Hey stumbles" I chuckled.

"Ha ha very funny" she put her hands on her hips.

"So, are you coming to mum's tonight?"

"Oh, I'm not sure Edward might be taking me"

"Well I guess I'll see you there then" I nudged her arm.

"So how's single life feeling?"


"Oh shoot, I need to get going I'll probably see you later" she looked at her watch and gave me a quick hug and waved as she jogged off.

"Bye" I mumbled to myself and continued to jog back to my place.

*Rachael's POV*

I arrived home and hoped into the shower, so I could at least look presentable when Perrie arrives. I washed my hair and my body; I loved the feeling of being clean. I dried myself off and got changed into a simple loose top and black leggings with pre-cut holes, I put a little foundation and mascara on. I heard a knock at the door and I ran with excitement, I opened the door and my face dropped at the person standing before me.

"Well hello to you too" she crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot on the ground.

"What are you doing here?"

"What, I can't come and visit you?" she glared at me.

"No, you can't... I don't want you to visit and I know you don't want to either" she started at me and stayed silent.

"What happened to you?"

"WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?! YOU MADE ME MOVE AND I HATED LIFE IN LONDON, I HATED LIVING WITH YOU!" she slapped my face in anger; I fell to the floor holding my cheek, tears built up in my eyes. She stormed off down the stairs, I heard her scream a loud 'move' to someone that must have been entering the building.

"Rachael! What the hell happened?" Edward rushed to my side, he tried pulling my hands away from my face but I couldn't let me see him like this.

"Babe..." he pleaded pulling me into his arms.

"M-mum s-s-she slapped m-me" I breathed out between sobs of pain.

"Oh, baby it's alright I'm here" he stroked my wet hair and kissed the top of my head, I cried into his chest dampening his shirt.

"Hey, hey what's happened?" a familiar female voice asked in concern.

"Rachael's mum slapped her, help me take her inside Perrie" he pulled me up and carried me to my couch, Perrie got a bag of frozen peas and so pain killers from my medicine cupboard while Edward still engulfed my body with his.

He pulled away my hand holding the peas and examined my red cheek.

"Fuck, Rae your cheek is so swollen" he scrunched his eyebrows in concern.

"It looks like it's gone down though, does it still hurt?" Perrie handed me a bottle of water to swallow the tablets with.

"Yeah, just a little not as much as before though" I winced as Edward touched the sensitive area.


"No, it's ok" I smiled weakly.


"I better get going Zayn is probably waiting" Perrie walked over and gave me a huge hug.

"I'll see you later Pez"

"Edward don't" she pointed at him and clenched her teeth.

"Sorry, I'll see you later... Pez" Edward chuckled as she flipped him the bird and left my apartment.

"What's the time?"

"Around 2:30" he moved a strand of hair from my vision, never breaking eye contact with me.

"What time are you going over to your mum's?"

"How did you know about that, I mean I was going to tell you when I arrived but we got a little side tracked" he displayed his perfect dimples.

"I went jogging this morning and I bumped into Harry... like literally bumped into him"

"You're very clumsy aren't you?" he tapped my nose.

"I'm not clumsy, I just don't watch where I'm going sometimes" I whined, giving him puppy eyes.

"If you say so clumsy, I'm going over at 4 and you're coming with me" I punched his arm softly and giggled.

"Ouch, you're such a meanie" he whined trying to hold back a smile.

"Aww but you love me"

"Mmm that is true" he smirked at me and I smirked back

"I'll be right back" I got up and walked towards the bathroom. I looked at the mess before me; I had raccoon eyes and a purplish mark on my left cheek, I winced as I softly ran my fingers across it. I looked down and took a few deep breaths.

"Are you alright?" the sudden voice made me jump; I clenched my chest and laughed as I faced the tall, lean figure standing at the door frame.

"How come you didn't tell me I looked like a raccoon?" I pointed to my smudged mascara.

"Because I couldn't care less how you looked, you will always be beautiful to me" his honest words pulled at my heart. I felt tears begin to form but I held them back trying not to cover my face in more mascara than it already was, he walked towards me slowly and cupped my right cheek, rubbing away the stray tear that fell unnoticeably.

He leaned down slowly and softly brushed his lips over mine, his left hand travelled down my spine and stopped at the small of my back, pulling me closer to his warm body. I placed the palms of my hands on his chest and gripped his shirt making the space between us non-existent.

"When you feel my heat, look into my eyes... it's where my demons hide, don't get too close, it's dark inside, it's where my demons hide" he whispered while staring deep into my eyes.

That was his song, I added it to my phone and listened to it non-stop. Edward still had this dark hidden secret deep within him, lurking in the shadows. It was his demon.

We stood there in each other arms for what seemed like hours, our foreheads touched as we never broke eye contact.

"I better get ready" I said quietly and slow.

"But you already look beautiful"

"Not with this thing on my face"

"It's only a little purple and it's gone down" he examined it closely.

"I'm still covering it up, and look at these... raccoon eyes, I'm not going over there looking like this"

"It's not like we haven't seen you with clown make-up before" my jaw dropped but I couldn't help but smile knowing I got into my mother's make up when I was 5.

"Well that was ages ago and I don't plan on looking like a clown again" I poked his stomach making him crouch over. I started applying some foundation to my cheek and two strong arms coiled themselves around my stomach and he nuzzled his head into my neck and planted soft kisses on my neck.

"Edward..." I forced out just above a whisper.

"Mmm" he responded but still continuing.

"I need to get ready"

"We have. An hour" he mumbled into my neck.

"But it takes 20 to 30 minutes just to get there" I giggled and turned my head to look at him, he had stopped kissing my neck but he stayed still almost pretending like he disappeared.

"But..." he sighed in defeat, I turned around to face him. I tangled my fingers in his curly mane, pulling slightly receiving a throaty groan and a small smirk. As we stood there I felt something poke my leg a little, I looked down and back up. He looked flustered and embarrassed; he cleared his throat and kissed my cheek.

"Erm, I'll be uh right back I need to get something from my place" he smiled weakly and rushed out, I laughed to myself and continued applying my make-up.

*Edward's POV*

"Woah, calm down hulk" Zayn joked.

"This never happens" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"What never happens?"

"I was with Rachael and junior decided to join the party and I got embarrassed, that never happens!" I stormed down to my room and Zayn followed.

"Wow, I remember the first time that happened to me, it was with Perrie and do you know what it probably means?"

"What?" I looked up at him from my sitting position.

"You're in love, you might already know that but you definitely know when that happens"

"Are you a doctor now are you?" I joked.

"Yes, I'm the love doctor" he fluttered his long eyelashes and spoke in a girly posh voice.

"I need to get ready" I got up and grabbed my towel.

I washed my hair and my body, making sure I didn't smell like sweat or dirt from work. I dried myself and wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom.

"Oh sorry" Perrie covered her eyes and stood back.

"I've got a towel on Perrie"

"The last time you said that you didn't and you're just lucky I didn't see anything but your arse" I chuckled and patted her shoulder and walked into my room.

"Hey Perrie"


"Did you hear what Zayn and I were talking about before?"

"Every word" she smiled and turned around to walk off but she turned around again, "He's right you know, how many hot girls have you slept with and you've only gotten it up because of your sex drive?"

I looked down at the ground and looked back at Perrie and smiled.

"You are one smart girl" I smiled and walked into my room. I changed into my usual black skinny jeans, black Ramones shirt and dark blue beanie and ray bans. I walked back down to Rachael's and took big deep breaths I knocked at her door and she answered almost immediately.

"Hello" she dragged out the 'O'.

"Hey" I said a little nervously, I feel 13 again going on my first date.

"Edward, it's okay" she cupped my face and pecked my lips.

"Just to let you know that's never happened before" I still seemed stiff as I walked in.

"I could tell" she smiled a little, "Edward don't worry, loosen up it's not the end of the world"

"I know, I think I just need a drink"

"You still a few beers in the fridge" she pointed to the fridge and turned the TV off.

"I can wait until we get to mum's"

"No, have one now and I'll drive I'm not going to drink tonight" she grabbed her keys and the other 6-pack of beer and put them on the bench.

I chugged down a whole bottle of beer and threw the bottle in the bin feeling much more relaxed already, she came back with sunglasses on and her phone and purse in hand.


"Let's go" I smiled and she intertwined her fingers with mine. I grabbed the beers with my other hand and she grabbed her keys and shut the door behind us.


"Are we going to tell everyone?" she asked, still concentrated on the road.

"Of course I want everyone to know your mine" we stopped at a set of lights and she looked at me and put her hand on top of mine, I flipped my hand over and we locked our hands together.

We walked up to the door hand in hand and I knocked loudly, Marcel answered with a big smile.

"Hey man" I smiled and pulled him in for a hug.

"Hello Edward, Hello Rae" he pulled away from our hug and hugged Rachael.

"Come on in I have some news" he rushed us inside and before us stood a tall girl, shorter than Marcel by a forehead.

"Rae, Edward, this is my girlfriend Heather"

"Hi Heather, I think I've seen you around before" I held my hand out and shook her hand.

"Hello, it's nice to finally meet you" Rachael smiled and gave her a hug.

"Same here, Marcel has been going on about you coming back and how I must meet you" she smiled back at her just as enthusiastically.

"Oh I thought I heard some more voices" my mum came out of the kitchen.

"Hello Rachael" she pulled her in for a big hug.

"Lovely to see you too mum"

"Hello Ed" she came over and gave me a hug too.

"What have you two been up to?" she eyed us off and looked at us suspiciously.

"Umm, Marc let's go outside and have a chat" I cleared my throat and smiled cheekily at Rachael.

"Well at least it will give us all some girl time, come on into the kitchen and tell me love" mum pulled both girls into the kitchen.

"Marc, isn't Heather Jess's cousin?"

"Erm, yeah..."

"I thought they were close" it sounded more like a question.

"They used to be until Jess got real possessive over something and they had a big falling out"

"So there won't be any confliction between Harry and Heather?"

"Hope fully not" he pushed his glasses up.

"WHAT?!" I turned my head to the kitchen.

"Oh my goodness!"

"Edward you cheeky thing why didn't you tell me!" Mum ran towards me and gave me a big hug.

"Well we were going to tell you all later when Harry had arrived but you caught on" I chuckled.

"Oh, shoot sorry honey" her smile disappeared.

"It's alright mum really" her smile grew again.

"I can't believe it!" she jumped around with joy and Rachael stood at the door frame laughing quietly to herself watching my mum go crazy with excitment.

"What's happening?" Marcel spoke up still confused.

"You're not the only one with a girl mate" I slung my arm over his shoulder.

"Rachael?" he asked with his mouth dropped.

"I never thought you would settle for a relationship"

"Well I never thought Rae would come back" I looked at her and she looked down at the ground.


"HOLY SHHH - Jesus don't do that Harry!" Rachael playfully hit his arm.

"What was all the screaming about?"

"Edward and Rae are together" mum squealed like a little girl getting candy.

"What?" he seemed taken back by he had just heard.

"I know it's quite surprising" mum was still smiling at her widest; it looked like the ends of her mouth would meet.

"Yeah... Erm I never thought you would settle"

"I know, I know"

*Rachael's POV*

I stood at the door frame watching Edward, Marcel and Harry have their conversation. I was called into kitchen by Heather, I walked in and I saw Anne preparing dinner.

"Do you need any help Anne?"

"Oh, no I'm alright love, I found it" she held up a bottle of herbs.

"Rae, I have never been happier. Harry's finally free, Marcel has Heather and you and Edward are together, when I thought that boy would never settle in a million years. All of this happened when you came back so you must be some sort of lucky charm" she shot me a warm smile.

"And you too Heather, I haven't seen Marcel this happy in years"

"It's my pleasure" she smiled back to Anne.


"I'm happy for you and Ed" Harry came up behind me.

"You don't sound happy Harry" I looked at him with concern.

"Oh I'm just tired" I shook it off so we didn't get into an argument about it.

"How about Heather?"

"I'm warming up to her" he smiled weakly.

"Rae, always know I'm going to be there for you no matter what happens" he turned me to face him.

"Thank you" pulled him in for a hug; he tensed a little so I pulled away.

"Erm, I better go I have work tomorrow" he smiled weakly again and kissed my cheek and left, I walked inside because it was getting a little chilly.

"There you are I was looking for you"

"I just had to get some air"

"We have to get going soon, because I have work in the morning" he made a face at the mention of work; I giggled and pecked his lips.

"Mum we're going to go I have work early tomorrow" Edward made his way over to Anne and kissed her cheek and gave her a hug.

"It was lovely seeing you two again, I love you both" she pulled me into for a hug.

"Bye Mum, I will drop by tomorrow around 1ish"

"Okay, I'll see you then" she waved as we left hand-in-hand.


"Goodnight Beautiful" he kissed the back of my hand.

"Goodnight Handsome" I cupped his face and crashed my lips onto his, he moaned in satisfaction.

"You. Always. Make it. So. Hard. To leave" he smiled in the kiss.

"You don't have to" I smiled back.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into my flat, his hands wondered down to my thighs as he effortlessly lifted me up. He moved down my neck and collarbones, not leaving a single spot untouched. I threw his beanie on the floor and tangled my fingers into his hair, pulling him impossibly closer.

He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip, I accepted and he invaded my mouth. I pulled away and looked into his marble like orbs; I pushed a stray curl away from his vision and tucked it behind his ear.

"I better go, but I'll be here tomorrow" he said just above a whisper making his voice much raspier than usual.

"I'll be waiting" I whispered into his ear, he put me down and kissed me passionately.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he winked and left out the door.

I smiled at the ground and walked towards my bedroom to get my towel and pyjamas. I had a quick shower, got into my pyjamas and washed my face and brushed my teeth and hoped into bed. My phone began to ring; I searched for my phone and looked at who was calling me.

"It's been 20 minutes and I'm already having withdrawals"

"Edward, you live 3 stories above me how can you have withdrawals?"

"Because I don't have you in my arms"

"You will tomorrow"

"That's too long" he whined.

"You'll last"

"I'll try to last... I want you to open the box I got you"

"Okay... now?"

"When we get off the phone, plus there's a note"

"A note?"

"Yes and don't judge what I've written" he chuckled.

"Why would I?"

"I don't know but I guess I'll let you open up your present"

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow"

"You will, goodnight beautiful" and he hung up.

I looked at the box that currently resided on my beside table, I took it in my hands and took in a deep breath.

I opened the box, my eyes widened and a gasp escaped my lips.


Alrighty I hope you enjoy this chapter, I will update my other story tomorrow hopefully it will be long, fingers crossed x




Please tell me if you enjoy the story or not, I would appreciate your feedback.

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