Chapter 16

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“Last night was amazing babe” Edward mumbled into my neck as I was waiting for the kettle to boil, his arms wrapped around my waist, his curls tickled my cheek and his bare torso pressed up against my back.

“More amazing than my tea?” I asked hopefully while handing him his mug.

“Mmm it’s debatable” he chuckled and kissed my cheek, I nudged him and he just continued to stare at me with his little smirk, while sipping every few seconds. He sat down on the couch and patted his lap; I looked at him closely and sat on the opposite couch.  

“Oh playing hard to get aye?” he raised an eyebrow and finished his tea. I faced the TV and I tried my hardest to keep my smile hidden, Edward walked over and took my tea out of my hands and pulled at my ankles. He straddled my waist and slowly kissed my collarbones, he moved to my jaw and to the corner of my lips.  

“I know you’re dying to kiss me” he chuckled and I just closed my eyes trying even harder not to smile, I crossed my arms over my chest and he just continued to sprinkle little kisses over my face.

I bit my lip to stop myself but my smile just broke through, Edward hummed in satisfaction and ghosted his lips over mine, brushing them ever so slightly. He large hands cupped my face and he pecked my lips softly, each kiss became rougher and more passionate, it quickly turned into a heated make out session. My fingers became lost in his jungle of messy curls and my legs wrapped around his waist.

Edward groaned loudly as there was a knock at the door, he got up off of me and I smacked his bum, he looked back and winked. I jolted up when I heard a bunch of guys cheering and greeting each other, I walked to the door and saw the boys from 5SOS. Edward wrapped an arm around me and all the boys looked at each other with smirks.

I rolled my eyes and invited them in; they all lounged on my couch and bought them all a drink. Edward and the boys began to play PlayStation and I just sat and watched while talking to one of the boys, sometimes they even let me play but rarely since I kicked their asses half the time.

“Would you boys like pizza for lunch?” they all looked at me like I was some goddess.

“Are you sure you’re a girl?” Calum asked and looked at the rest of the boys but they just shrugged and Edward just looked at me proudly.

“I’ve grown up around boys, so basically I’m like a boy” I reasoned and grabbed my mobile and ordered a bunch of large pizza’s. I gave them all another round of drinks and waited for the pizza to be delivered.

I jumped up when I heard a knock at the door, I opened the door and I was amazed to see who it was. Johnny Burden, the same kid who called me fat back in grade one, oh and year 2. His smile dropped when he realised who I was, it must have been his lucky day because Edward decided to come help carry in the pizza’s.

“Ah Burden, still delivering pizzas?” Edward’s evil smirk grew, I tried not to let my laugh escape but this guy was shaking like a friggin leaf.


‘What did you do to him?’ I mouthed to Edward and he simply mouthed back, ‘I’ll tell you when he leaves’, I gave Johnny his money and told him to keep the change, he nodded quickly and walked so fast out of the building.

“What did you do to him?” I asked with a massive smile residing on my lips.

“Well, he called you fat so I um kinda made sure he wasn’t going to eat food for the next few days… maybe weeks”

Triple the Trouble || Styles Triplets [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now