Chapter 25

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“I’m sorry”

My grip on Harry’s hand loosened and my heart sunk, tears just fell freely down my cheeks and I didn’t bother to wipe them away.

“I’ll leave you two alone while I go and book a surgery room” he stepped out of the room and shut the door behind him. I turned to Harry and I wrapped my arms around him and cried hysterically into his shoulder. I pulled back to look at him, his face covered in pain and his eyes blood shot and his cheeks were red and puffy.

“I’m so sorry Harry”

“Hey, hey, hey in no way is this your fault” he cupped my face and wiped my cheeks, I put my hand over his and with my other hand I pulled him back into a hug, his hold wrapped tightly around my waist while I hugged around his shoulders stroking his hair.

Dr Morris came back in and we both looked towards him, “Uh we have a room ready for you, here’s a gown” he put a hospital gown on the bed and I nodded, he exited the room once again and I pulled my clothing off and put the gown on, I was pushed down to the room with Harry holding my hand the entire time.


I laid on the bed with Harry clinged to my side sleeping restlessly, I ran my fingers softly through his hair calming him down. Once we found out we were having a little girl Harry broke down completely which made me feel even worse, the nurse said that the baby was too weak to survive even though we did everything right it was just too frail and under developed.

I called my dad and he agreed to look after the kids for the day, I wasn’t sure how to break the news to my children. How do you tell anyone that you’ve had a miscarriage? I just don’t know how I’m going to do it.

I started out the window and let tears fall down my cheeks, I wiped them away and sniffed softly.

“Mrs Styles, you’ll be able to go home today” a nurse whispered from the door, I nodded and looked down at Harry, I kissed him forehead and gently woke her up.

“Honey, wake up” I kissed his forehead again and his eyes opened up slowly, he looked up at me and sat up. “We can go home today” I whispered, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

“Rae, you know I love you no matter what happens” he told me with so much confidence which made me smile.

“I love you too Harry” he cupped my right cheek and pecked my lips.  

I got back into my clothes and we signed out, I waved goodbye to Dr Morris and the nurses and left. Harry stood close to me at all times, strangely enough this whole situation made us even closer, not that we weren’t before but once you and your partner go through something so traumatic together, it’s almost like nothing can stop the bond you have between each other.

We arrived home and I took a deep breath, Harry took my hand in his and kissed the back, he nodded and I nodded back and we both got out of the car, Harry raced over to my side and held me close to his body. He unlocked the front door and we walked into the house and into the dining room, seeing all the kids drawing and decorating pieces of paper.

“Mummy, Daddy your home!” Ashton ran towards us and hugged us both. The rest of the kids joined in and my dad looked at me with a small smile, when all the kids pulled away I walked to my dad and cried into his shoulder.

“Mummy what’s wrong” I heard Ashton’s small voice call.

“Umm, kids I think it’s best if you sit down” Harry spoke up trying not to cry himself, I pulled away from my dad and he cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears away.

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