Chapter 13

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“Rachael!” Harry ran towards me and I jumped into his arms and he spun me around. “I missed you too much!”

“Me too” I held him in a tight squeeze; Megan, Marcel, Anne and Robin were behind him watching us.

“Hello my big boy” Anne cupped Edwards face and kissed his cheeks.

“Mum…” he whined, she looked at him in awe and gave me a big hug.

“Was he good for you?”

“He was an angel” I smirked at him and he smirked back.

“I swear it’s only around you” she joked and rubbed my arm.

“Rachael” Megan pulled me into a big hug and Marcel joined, I let go and pulled Marcel into a hug. We all got into cars and drove back to Anne’s place. Harry drove Edward and I, Marcel and Megan drove together and Anne and Robin drove together, they were so cute together.

We had dinner at Anne’s and left soon after since I was buggered and about to pass out of the nearest spot that had cushioning. Edward insisted on carrying me bridal style to Harry’s car, I snuggled into his chest like a newborn. We drove back to my place and I jumped straight into bed with Edward and fell asleep.

~Christmas Day~

“GET UP!” I yelled jumping on the bed where Edward slept; he groaned and pulled the blankets over his head. I sat on his back and leaned down to where his head was. “I guess you don’t want your extra special present tonight then?” I whispered with a smirk, the blankets came off in an instant and he got up making me fall over onto my side of the bed, he picked me up and he walked down the hall to the lounge room where my cute little Christmas tree was with presents for everyone was underneath.

“Sit down, I’m giving you mine first” I pushed him down by the shoulders. I walked over deciding which present to give him first; I picked up the smaller one and took a deep breath. I handed him the neatly wrapped present and he looked down at it and I encouraged him to open it.

His eyes widened and a smile grew across his face, he pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.

“I know it’s not much but – Rae I love it” he pulled out the necklace with a cross and a paper plane pendant. He put it on straight away and kissed it, then pulled me into a kiss. He pulled me onto his lap and rested back on the lounge, his large hands held my legs in place so I didn’t move. I cupped his face and deepened the kiss; he moaned in satisfaction and squeezed my bum, I tugged on his curls making a throaty groan escape his mouth.

“Wait, I need to give you one of your presents” he stopped and got up with me still clung to him. He picked up a thin looking one and sat back down before handing it to me. I opened it neatly and I almost had a heart attack, my jaw dropped and I just looked at him with wide eyes.

“What… How?” I squeaked while holding 2 Bruno Mars tickets in my hands.

“My treat, I knew you want to go” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed every spot on his face.

“Right next present” I got up and walked to the tree and grabbed the present, I smiled and handed it to him, he looked almost scared but like a little boy ready to burst with excitement. He opened it and his jaw dropped. Grand Theft Auto 5, Call of Duty: Ghost and the newest Fifa.

“This must have cost a fortune!”

“Don’t worry about the cost” he got up and brought me my next present, it was a little bigger this time. I opened it up and tears almost escaped a photo of the both of us when we were kids morphed into a photo of us now, the kids were faded and shorter making them visible.

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