3. Don't You Ever Say

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"I just told you," I say, brushing my hand on Liam's back. His eyes are puffy and red like his nose. He's been crying when the girl named Diana broke our hearts again. She told as to meet her at ten. Meet her at ten not to thank us that we've done her school works - all of her school works - or to tell us that she likes us but to humiliate me and Liam in front of many. She dumped us. Literally she dumped our faces on the expensive cake we bought for her. All laughed. All enjoyed watching us remove the chocolate cream on our faces. Well, it's not just me and Liam who is humiliated in front of the rich kids. Also  Zayn Malik. Swanne, a friend of Diana, smudged the poor guy's face on the cake when he tried to stop them embarrassing us. He's our hero, but then his super powers weren't just enough because he's a nerd.

"A-all the girls don't like us," Liam says, bursting into tears. Zayn's also trying to comfort him while he still clean his face with tissue.

"Liam, it's okay," says Zayn and he adjusts his glasses. "You know, psychologists say that whe-"

"Shut up," Liam snaps which made Zayn to startle. "I don't need your science, Mr. Genius."

"I'm just trying to help," Zayn speaks. He looks at me, locking his eyes, those warm, golden eyes, at mine. I don't know why he's staring at me while he also comforts Liam. I just know he's weird. Zayn's mouth open, trying to say something to me. He doesn't make any sound, so I just read his lips. It's barely understandable, but I think he's asking if I could leave them for a while.

'Leave you two for a while?' I say at Zayn, also not making any sound. He nods. Now he is weirder. Why is he asking if I could leave them? Maybe Zayn wants to have a private talk with Liam. Well, if this is what he wants, I guess I'll do it. I also want to talk to Harry, anyways. Ask him what's about the kiss . . .

and if I could ask for more.

"Uhm, Li, I will just go to the cafeteria to buy us snack, okay?" I ask Liam who is staring at the blowing wind. He nods, still not moving his eyes from looking at nothing. I stand, brushing off the dust from the back of my pants. Zayn wraps his left arm on Liam's shoulders and looks at me. 'Thank you,' he whispers.

(Zayn's P. O. V.)

Watching this guy crying and crying on my lap breaks my heart. His tears are streaming down from his tear ducts to my fabric-covered knees. I stroke his hair, tangling my fingers on them. He keeps on sobbing, clenching his fists and strike them to the floor we are sitting on. He also keeps on murmuring things like every girls hates him and no one will ever like him.

"Don't you ever say that, Liam," I say at him, running my fingers on his neck. "I'm here, you know." He lifts his head up and looks at me with puzzled eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asks, rubbing his eyes.

"Um, I-I am here," I say nervously. He smiles weakly.

"You're crazy," he says laughingly. Well this is good. He stopped crying already. "Why'd you stood up for us, anyway?"

"Because . . ." I say but paused, leaving only the word 'because'.

"Because what?" he asks. "You like the cake?" Liam jokes and he giggles.

"One of the reasons," I speak.

"What is the main reason?" he asks again.

"Why are you asking?" I ask him back.

"Well, I just want to," he answers. He then press his lips together.

Okay, I am telling you guys now why am I acting like this. By the way, my name's Zayn Malik. So here's the thing: I like Liam James Payne. Yes, I like him, I like him, I like everything about him, though it's not obvious because I act like a straight nerd. But then I got a thing from guys you know. I don't know, maybe it's because of my hormones released by my glands. So yeah, Liam Payne is my babe. I ask him or say things to him anonymously in a website called as ask.fm thing. I once remember this:


I like you. :) -Anonymous

who are you?!!?1 well at least a girl already likes me yayYY! <3    27 days ago

You got 10-inch? -Anonymous

how'd you knoww>?!!!    2 months ago

HAHAHAHA. -Anonymous

what?     3 months ago

Every night, I always dream about you, Liam. I once dreamt about us riding on a unicorn and it was fun. :) -Anonymous

you are creeping me out girl but i am glad you're dreaming about me. i want to know u soon xx   3 months ago

I love you. -Anonymous

omg are u a girl bc ily too jgdhkagbadkv    3 months ago


He's really hoping that the one who is asking him is a pretty lady, but he doesn't know it's me. 

"Hey," Liam snaps me to reality. "I am waiting for your answer"

"You really want to know?" I ask, smiling.

"Yes! Yes!" he says excitedly, his eyes shining.

"Really, really want?" I ask him again.

"Yes! Zayn, yes!" he answers, getting more nervous.

"Really?" his smile disappears.

"Ask me one more time and I'll kick you in you face," he growls. Oops.

"Sorry," I say.

"Now what is it? What is the main reason?" he looks at my eyes, which makes me melt to death.

I clear my throat and adjust my glasses once again. My heart throbs fast. Palms sweat. Knees shake. I think I can't tell him the reason.

"Because . . ." I say.

"Because . . ." he repeats.

"Because I like you Liam."

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