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Dean's POV
I woke up to excruciating pain coming from my back. I cried out in pain. I tried to sit up but I couldn't, the pain was too much for me to bear.

After a few minutes I tried to get up again and I did, even though my back hurt really badly. I walked around the house and looked though all the rooms trying to find Castiel. I don't know why, but even though I was still really mad at him for not telling me he was vampire, I still just wanted to make sure he was ok.


"I'm in the bathroom." He said weakly.

I followed his voice and found the bathroom he was in. He was leaning over the toilet.

"Are you ok, Cas?"

"I'm in pain and I'm also throwing up a lot of blood." He said weakly.

I rushed over to his side. I looked in the toilet and sure enough, there was a lot of blood in the toilet.

"I think it might just be from the transition from vampire to human, Cas. It should stop in an hour or two. I'm sorry, Cas."

"It's not your fault, Dean."

"It kind of is though, they turned you human because of me."

"What do you mean?"

"I told them to keep you alive, but they would only do it under one circumstance, and that was if they turned you human. I said ok."

"Dean, why didn't you ever tell me that you were an Angel?"

"Because, when I first met you, my powers were weak and I couldn't think right. I was practically human when we first met. Why didn't you tell me you were a vampire?"

"I thought you angels could detect a vampire from a human."

"You see, when an angel is in the presence of a vampire or any other supernatural being, angels are weakened by them. But for some reason, vampires have more of an affect on Angels. I don't know why."


"Yeah. So, why didn't you ever tell me you were a vampire?"

Before he could answer my question, he threw up again.

I rushed over to him to make sure he was ok but he put his hand in front of me to prevent me from going any further.

Once he was finished throwing up, he looked at me. His expression turned from relaxed to worry.

"Oh my god." Cas said scared.

"What? What is it? What's wrong?"

"Dean, I'm in trouble."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Some vampires kill humans, so that means if they sense that I'm a human, they're going to kill me. Dean, you have to protect me. You're an Angel, please protect me." He rushed scared.

"Cas, I'm sorry, but I can't help you. I'm not an Angel anymore. They turned me into a human. I'm completely human now. I'm sorry, Cas."

He looked down and started to cry. "This is all my fault." He cried.

I walked over to him and pulled him into an embrace. "Cas listen to me, none of this is your fault."

"But you're human now. You don't have your powers because of me."

"Cas, no, I don't have my powers because they said that they were going to take away my powers for something that I did wrong, but you know what?"


"I don't regret being turned into a human, I'm just glad that you're ok, Cas."

He looked at me and hugged me back.

"Thanks Dean, but, I really don't deserve to be alive."

I pushed him out to where I could see his face.

"Why do you say that, Cas? Of course you deserve to live."

"No, Dean I really don't." He got up and walked over to the door.

He turned his back to me. I was about to say something but he said something first.

"You want to know why I didn't tell you I was a vampire?"

"Yeah, I'm kind of curious."

"Dean, my plan was to save you from being attacked by a vampire to gain your trust. Then, when I had your trust, I would try and be your friend. Lastly, I would kill you."

My jaw dropped and my eyes were wide with disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Dean." Then, he walked out of the bathroom.

I sat on the floor and cried for an hour.

Once I was done crying, I wiped my face, and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked into the living room but I didn't see Cas. I walked into the kitchen and he wasn't their either. I checked all the rooms and bathrooms and he wasn't in any of them.

I walked out of the house and went into the woods and tried to find him.  After a while of trying to find Cas, I finally find him.

He's surrounded by a bunch of vampires. The vampires keep getting closer to him. I pick up a sharp object and sneak up behind them.

I stab one on the side of his neck and he dies. The other vampires notice and they're pissed that I just killed one of their kind.

They all lunge towards me and I stab a few in the neck and they die. Then, I have killed all of them. They're all dead, now.

I throw the sharp object down and get up. I take off all the leaves that are on me and I look at Cas.

I walk over to him and I pin his down to the tree he was leaving up against.

"WHAT THE HELL, CAS?" I yelled.

"Dean, you could've gotten killed." He said sadly.



I let go of my grip on him. He slides down to the ground and cries into his hands.

I sit in front of him and embrace him again.

"Cas, please don't ever talk like that again. Yes, I'm upset that you planned on killing me, but I'll get over it. I would never get over myself if I had let those Angels kill you, Cas. Even if they're my family. You saved me once, so, I thought I'd save you."

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