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Parker's P.O.V
I ran, dragging Harry with me. A large building came into veiw. A old broken down gray building. And next to the door, stood (Y/N) and Kevin. I let go of Harry and ran towards the door. Not making a sound.
We hid in bushes when we came into eyesight of the large man. And at one point, I could of sworn I saw someone in a window, staring down.
When Kevin finally disappeared into the building, Harry and I ran up and caught the door before it could close.
When we stepped inside, we both gasped.

Harry's P.O.V
Here, there were thousands of dead bodies, hanging from the ceiling on large, bloody, hooks. It was like a meat closet. I walked slowly towards the area Kevin walked. On of the recent dead women had already turned and was trying to kill us. I ignored it and continued walking.
Not long after, I saw the bloodied corpse of someone I knew. I saw Elizabeth. I saw her dead. I saw her bloody. But I could bearly see her through the tears I produced.
Parker had fallen to the floor. Crying heavily. Our sobs loud, Kevin walked into the room we were in and picked us up. We couldn't protest. We could see (Y/N), unconscious, and flung over Kevin's other shoulder. He walked us into a room, with knives, hooks, and a cage.
A cage full of Zombies.

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