Chapter 31

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Your P.O.V

The shot was deafening. I didn't know what kind of gun it was but it was loud. I looked over at everyone else.
Harry was standing still with a hand on his stomach. Eyes wide.
Zach was still holding me with a look of terror as he stared on at Parker.
Cheyenne was trembling In my arms.
Mark had the same stance as Zach.
But Cody was kneeling on the ground, holding is now bleeding grazed arm.
"What the HELL Parker!?" I shouted at him.
Parker said nothing. He just dropped the gun and ran off fast into the woods.
Cody stood, still holding his arm. "THAT FU-"
"Harry?" I interrupted Cody with the question. Harry was still holding his stomach and staring at nothing.
Mark looked concerned aswell.
"Harry?" I asked again. He remained still.
"Harry!" I yelled.
Harry looked down at his stomach and moved his hand. Blood had already reddened the white stripes on his shirt. He coughed up blood, too. Harry slowly fell to the ground.
"God DAMNIT Parker!" I said loudly as I pushed my way out of Zach's arms and next to where Harry was sitting. Everyone, including Cheyenne was soon surrounding me and Harry.
"He..." Harry began to say.
"Shut up, save your breath." And he did. We all surrounded him for many minutes. None of us speaking. His breathing got more shallow.
I tapped Zach on the leg and mouthed out 'please?'
He nodded and handed me Cheyenne. He then proceeded to run off into Parker's tent.
I had to constantly wake Harry in fear he wouldnt re-awake. After a while, Cody had left along with Mark.
And not long after that, Zach finally came out with arm fulls of supplies.
"What took you so long!?" I whisper yelled.
"(Y/N)..?" Harry hadn't spoken in awhile so I jumped at his voice. He was now laying down with his hand on his stomach once again.
Zach came walking over with all the stuff, which I'm sure half of is useless.
"What is it?"
"What's all that stuff..?" With his other arm he pointed at all the things Zach had brought over.
"We're gonna help you, obviously."
"Naaah... just lemme die..." I was stunned he could even think about saying that.
"S-stop talking! Your wasting breath!" He paused for a moment. And then slightly smiled.

"I know."

Both me and Zach stared at him. He was losing breath quickly. Zach soon jumped to a horrible realization.
"CrapCrapCrapCrap (Y/N)!!!"
"What!?" I yapped.
"Parker shot at us because he knew whoever he hit would die!"
"He's right here!!" I gestured toward Harry, who I know was listening. "And we, will, make sure he doesn't die!"
"No buts! Butts are for sitting!"
"But (Y/N)-"
"Zachary! Please!"
"Don't call me Zachary! (Y/N) I can't be-"
"Zach! Pl-"
No one spoke. Even Cheyenne stopped whimpering and just stared up at me and Zach. Harry continued to make the only sounds besides the wind blowing. His heavy breathing.
Zach sat in front of me and hugged his legs. "He took the supplies and I'm so sorry..."
I looked over at Harry. He was looking right up into the sky. He showed no emotion at the moment. I remembered when he said he had removed the bullet from wherever it hit me. I pulled my shirt up and looked at the stitches. I remembered all the stuff that were stached everywhere. And I know how to get there.
"Yeah (Y/N)..?"
"Can you stay awake for another hour or two..?"
"For you, Princess, yeah.."
"Good." I looked at Zach again.
"We're gonna go somewhere."
"Where?" He asked me, curious.
"It doesn't matter. Now. Do we have a stretchy, wheelie thingy?"
Ah yes. A 'stretchy, wheelie thingy'. Best term to use when someone dying.
SO. This short A/N is mainly for the name of the chapter. It's "chapter 31" because I didn't wanna name it "ermehger, Parker shot Harry" or "ermehger, Harry's dying!"
Because that would ruin it. Oh. And..
Well that was kinda foolish. Anyways, Im pretty sure you can already tell where (Y/N), Harry and Zach are going. If ya can't well then tough luck.
Also, shoutout to Bianca!

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