1. And Straight On'Till Morning

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Henry above

Sofia POV

I got out of David's truck with David, Mary Margret, Emma, Amber and James

"Gold, what are you doing here?" David asks.

"Well, my son has made it clear to stay away from him, so I was spending some time with my grandson instand." Mr. Gold says and I see Henry on a swing.

"Emma, Sofia, it's okay. Why don't you two go tell them." Miss Blanchard suggests and we walk over to him

"Emma, Sofia " Henry greets

"Hey," We reply. Emma and I see Henry down.

"Henry, I know this is a lot to take in, Tamara, she, shot Neal." Emma says.

"What?" Henry asked, wide eye.

"We saw it. He fell through a portal. We weren't able to save him. I'm so sorry." I say and Henry hugs me, tears falling from his eyes.

Emma strokes his hair and I try to hold back my tears back. Emma strokes Henry hair and I try to hold my tears back.

I see Gold walk away from Miss Blanchard, Amber, James, Ginny, Josie and David. He won't help.

Later On

We walk into the apartment and I saw Regina.

"Henry!" She says.

"Mom!" He runs into her arms.

The building suddenly shakes and a plate shatters on the floor. The shaking cones to a stop.

"Regina, that was--? I ask.

"Yes. The Diamond was activated." Regina confirms.

"So we're all going to die." Henry says.

"You were born here, so you'll live." Regina assures.

"But...I'll be alone." Henry says.

"I'm so sorry, Henry." Regina says.

"That's not gonna happen. I'm not gonna let it. You dis this, now make it stop." Emma commands.

"I can't. There's no way. Regina says.

"Well, figure it out. Its your fault." Amber snaps.

"Stop! I already lost my dad, I don't want to loose anyone else. We have to work together." Henry says.

"From the mouths of babes, I say the lad has a point." Killian says, walking in and David punches him, James kick him in the left leg and Josie kick the right leg.

"For the last time we met." David says and pulls out his gun "Tell us why you're here, before I use something other than my fist."

"I think threatening to kill me is a bit redundant when we're all about to die anyways." Killian says.

"No thanks to you. Regina just told me you were working with Tamara and Greg to get your revenge." Amber says.

"That was before they told me I had to die to get it." Killian says.

"We don't have time for this.We have a real problem besides hook hand over here." I say.

"Which is why I'm here. Starring death in the face has made me realize that there's one thing I want more than my revenge. Its my life. So shall we stop this and then resume bickering?" Killian asks.

"There is no stopping it. The best thing I can do is slow it down. But that will only delay the inevitable." Regina says.

"Or give them the time we need." Ginny says.

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