5. Quite A Common Fairy

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Third POV

It was the next night, and Sofia and Henry slept under the main tree, laying on our coats.

"Cuckoo!" Sofia heard, and wake up, Henry does also.

"Wake up." said Pan as he approached us. "Catch." He threw an apple at Henry and we sat up.

"I don't like apples." Henry says, holding the apple out for Pan to take it back.

"Who doesn't like apples." Pan asked.

"It's a family thing for him." Sofia answered for Henry.

"Don't worry." Pan says as he got down to be eye level with Henry. "There not for eating. It for a kind of game. A really fun game." He said, aiming at the apple with the crossbow. "I call it target practice."

Then later me and Henry get up, as Pan dips the arrow in a bottle.

"What's that?" Henry asks, curiously.

"Dreamshade. Is a nasty poison." Pan answered, then lodged the arrow into the crossbow

"I've heard a story about a man who once shot an apple off his son's head with an arrow. Let's find out if this is possible." Pan says, smiling.

"If you're shooting at the apple, what's the poison for?" Henry asked again.

"Motivation not to miss." Pan answered and playfully pointed at Sofia.

"Sofia!" Get over here!" He says to Sofia, excitement filling his voice; fear filling my's.

"Is...is Sofia good? Is your aim good?" Henry asked, looking from to Pan to Sofia.

Sofia shrugged her shoulder because she never shot a bow and arrow before.

Pan shook his head. "Doesn't matter. You're the one doing the shooting." Pan says.

Sofia's eyes widened. Would he really force Henry to shoot at an apple on her head? That's preposterous. He wouldn't do that.

"But I...I don't want to shoot. I don't want to hurt Sofia." Henry says, shaking his head.

The Lost boys started to chant. "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!." The Lost boys chanted, the color now draining from Sofia's face. Okay, maybe he would.

"You won't hit her." Pan says, now handing the crossbow to Henry.

"Trust yourself." Pan says, now placing Sofia at the front of the tree and placing the apple on the top of her head.

"Oh. I wouldn't move if I were you. If Henry does plan to shoot, wouldn't want you getting shot om the head." Pan whispered in Sofia's ear. Sofia gulped and Pan turned to Henry.

"Go on." He says, motioning for Henry to shoot. Henry bit his lips, but aimed the crossbow at the apple perched on Sofia's head.

I closed my eyes. This couldn't end this way. Please don't end it this way.. "It's exhilarating." Pan egged on.

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" The Lost boys continue chanting. Henry closed one eye, taking his aim...then immediately changing targets and fired the arrow at Pan.

Immediately, Pan caught it on midair. "Told you it was exhilarating." Pan says. Sofia breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"Come on. I have something to show you ." Pan says to Henry, now walking deeper into the camp, Henry following him and Sofia biting her lips, taking the apple of her head, then went and sit under a tree.


Sofia POV

I was sitting under a tree. Soon Henry came up and told me what happened. It was night, and me and Henry sat together as the Lost boys danced around and cheered when Pan came up to us.

"You don't want to join in the celebration?" Pan asked.

"Nothing to celebrate." Henry says.

"Nothing to celebrate? This whole party is to celebrate you and Sofia." Pan says.

"Me and Henry?" I asked. "Why?"

"Because you've come to save magic, of course. And I, for one, can't think of a reason more deserving of celebration than that. Just look at them." We looked over and saw them.

"We're not like them." Henry says. "Or you."

"Sure you are. You're still a child. Maybe a song will get you on your feet." He says, he pulls out a pipe then he blew into it but we didn't hear anything.

"Sorry. I...I don't hear anything." I said.

"Me either." Henry says.

"Interesting. You see, this pipe's enchanted. It can only be heard by certain children."

"Like who?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon enough, I promise." Then Pan got up and left. I don't remember much after that, I just remember sitting with Henry and then falling asleep. I dreamt about Neal, and that he was here and going to save us. Then I woke up.

"Henry." I said and I shaked him to wake him up. "Wake up."

He did and asked, "What happened?"

"Oh, you guys fell asleep." Pan says.

"We did?" I asked.

"No, don't worry. It was just a little catnap. The night's still young." Then I hear the Lost Boys.

"Wait." Henry says. "I...I remember something. My dad... When I was asleep, I...I could've sworn I heard him calling for me and Sofia."

"I did too." I said.


"It must've been a dream." Henry says.

"Well, how can you be sure?"

"Because....cause my dad is dead." Henry says.

"What about your parents?" Pan asked me

"My mom and step dad died in a fire, and my father I...I never knew my father because he left me and my mom when I was a baby." I answered.

"Im sorry, Guys it makes sense for us to dream about the things we've lost and the things we hoped for, like your father begin alive, your father coming back and your mother coming to find you. But eventually, you'll find new things to dream about. And when you do, they'll start to come true.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because that's what I did. And now you're here. Neverland used to be a place where new dreams were born. One of you two can bring that magic back. And we can be your family. I'd like to play a song, a song for our guests of honor...Henry and Sofia." He started playing his pipe and I could hear the music and me and Henry started dancing.

"You can hear the music now, can you?" Pan asked.

"Yeah!" Me and Henry said together.

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