3. Ginny's Flashback

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A/N Picture of Ginny G necklace, 4 year old Henry, 13 year old Ginny and 16 year old Josie.

Amber POV

Mary Marget, Hook, David, Emma, Regina, James Gold, Ginny and Josie and I had gone to Neverland to search for Henry and Sofia.

But Gold had separated from the group. So now it just Me, Mary Marget, Hook, David, Emma James, Regina, Ginny and Josie.

Ginny POV

Everyone else was alseep expect for me because I was too worried about Sofia and Henry.

I even remember when I first babysat him with Josie when

Thirteen year old Ginny POV

I was in my room and I watching my mom and Aunt Audrey babysitting commercial on my laptop. This commercial was made in 1991 when my mom was 21 and my Aunt Audrey was 18. My mom and Aunt Audrey died in a hotel that was on fire.

I was watching the commercial until I heard a knock. I tired off my laptop and got up.

When I got to the living room I already saw Regina handed 4 year old Henry to Josie, then left.

"Josie im going to the store real quick, can trust you to watch Henry?" I asked Josie.

"Sure you can trust me, why wouldn't you trust me?" Josie asked

"Because I gave you my mom Credit Card with a $500 limit on it for emergency only and about a hour later you bought new cloths and shoes." I answered.

"That was one time!!" Josie Groaned.

I chuckled and left the house.

15 minutes later............

I got home and saw only Josie on the couch, watching TV ,but I didn't see Henry.

"Josie where Henry???" I asked with a hint of worried in my voice.

"I don't know....Somewhere." Josie replied not taking her eye off the TV.

"Are you insane??!!!! I yelled.

"What the big deal??" Josie asked turning of the TV.

"What the the big deal??!!! Babysitting rule #1 Never take your eyes of the kids..or kid." I yelled at Josie and also freaking out.

"Relax he has to be somewhere in the house. Let go look for him." Josie said.

I went to my room but he wasn't there and Josie checked her bedroom but he wasn't there either.

We then heard a small groaned in the kichen. So We went to the kitchen and saw Henry was trying to get to the cookie jar.

I giggle and carry him and hold my hip as he wrapped his small arms around my neck.

I went to the cookie jar and gave him a cookie.

"Here you Henry looks like someone forgot to feed you." I said looking at Josie.

Josie shot me a playful glare at me.

After 3 hours...............

Me, Josie, and Henry Watched a movie. Then Regina came and pick up Henry, pay us $10 then left.

"Yes I'll add this to the Josie new car fund to a total of...." she look at her money. "$10." she said with alittle unhappy at the end.

I giggle and put my money in my pocket.

"Josie I think is time to have the have a talk about the rules of Babysitting." I said.

"Aggghh." Josie groaned. Being the lazy girl she is she doesn't want to do it.

I giggled.

             End of Flashback

I laughed that the thought. I look down to neck and I saw the G necklace that Sofia gave me for my birthday that was only a couple a weeks about. She a so sweet.

That one of the reason that i like about her, that she she sweet and she also never give up no matter how tough things are.

I also know how much Henry also try to keep her safe and I think it cute how Henry will do anything to protect his new best friend.

My eyes then got heaver and then sleep took over me.

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