7. Think Lovely Thoughts

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Third POV

In Neverland, Henry was watching Sofia with concern as she was dancing. She then started coughing from the lack of breathing she forgot to do.

"How is she?" Henry asked Pan.

Pan looked at Sofia and smirked. Then, he turned his expression to concern and faced Henry.

"I fear she's getting worse, Henry." Pan said.

Henry looked at Pan with pleading eyes. "But if I save magic....she'll live. And Wendy as well?"  Henry asked.

Pan nodded. "Yes. But more then that, Henry. If you save magic, you'll save us all." Pan said, and crouched down to Henry eye level. "But to do it, you have to believe." Pan said.

Henry nodded. 

"I do." Henry said. Pan smile.

"Good, because we don't have much time. Follow me." Pan said. He led Henry to the middle of the camp and made Henry stand on a rock in front of the crowd of boys.

"My brothers! Tonight, the dream of Neverland will awaken from its slumber. Tonight, the heart of the truest believer shall fulfill its destiny, and with it our destiny. Tonight, Henry saves magic!" Pan announced.

The camp erupted in cheers and laughter. Pan raised Henry's  hand into the air. Henry smiled. He was going to save magic. He was going to be a hero. But most importantly, he was going to save Sofia.

Sofia, on the other hand, looked at Henry and immediately got worried. How was Henry going to save magic? Sofia needs to find out. She couldn't let him makes the biggest mistake of his life. He was always there to protect her. Now it's her turn to protect him.


Sofia POV

No, I saw where Pan was taking Henry.

"Sofia. Think. Think think think think." I said to myself, knocking on my head for an answer. "I need to do something, but what?" I asked.

I bit my lips, watching from a distance how close Henry and were to Skull Rock.

"Okay, first I need a plan." I said, then.....I had a idea. I hold my Amulet that was on my neck.

Okay Sofia. You can do this. Just tap into your inner magic.

I closed my eyes and I thought of a wonderful thought, while holding my Amulet tight.

Suddenly, my right had disappeared. Then my left arm. Sooner or later, I was gone from sight, of course I was there, just invisible to the naked eye.

Wow I could us my Amulet to make myself disappeared.

"Aha!" I exclaimed. I Amulet for it's powers back.

"Okay. Focus now, Sofia. In the boat." I said to herself. And, in a blink of a eye, she was sitting to Henry, invisible, with Pan rowing

"Ah, it's been a long since I stepped foot on this shore."  Pan exclaimed as he rowed the boat towards the cave.

I bit my lip. I had this gut feeling that nothing was going to turn out good.

Pan and Henry stepped out of the boat, and I tiptoed out, careful to make sure I don't make a single sound. I crept up against the wall, even though I'm invisible, and Pan grabbed a stick and drew a line across the step's, right where my foot was.

"What's that?" Henry asked curiously.

"It's a protection spell. Now let's go. It's time." Pan said, and walk up the steps, obediently following.

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