The Party

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Rin stared up at Yukio in shock. Yukio was dressed elegantly with a pretty girl at his side.

Rin shuddered and wandered off, in an attempt to stay hidden from Yukio's view. If Yukio caught sight of Rin in a dress...

Rin managed to get close to Dantalion. "We're leaving, now," Rin said.

"Hmm? Don't you need to gather information?" Dantalion questioned.

"Yukio's here...I can't let him see me like this...Damn it..."

Dantalion frowned and glanced up at Yukio. "That's your brother the exorcist? If he's here, then doesn't that mean there are demons here as well? Besides us, I mean,"

Rin pondered the thought. "Yeah, I guess so," he responded.

Rin glanced around and sighed heavily. "I'll try to get info," he mumbled wandering over to the buffet table.

Rin was fixed a plate and took a bite out of the food. "Mine tastes better..." He mumbled.

"You don't like the food?" Someone asked.

Rin glanced up at a man who was eating as well.

"Oh, I was just thinking this would taste better if it had a hint of lemon," Rin said.

"A hint of lemon? Hmm, Maybe. My name is Charles Grey, I'm one of the Queen's butler's. Unfortunately, The Queen couldn't make it tonight."

"My name is Sakura. I'm surprised the Queen would send her butler all the way to Japan. I wonder why..." Rin left the question hanging in the air.

"Only the Queen would know," Charles Grey responded.

An idea popped into Rin's head. "Say, sir Charles Grey, Can you tell me about Pandora? I've heard about it but I've never quite understood them."

Charles Grey looked at Rin quizzically, "You should ask them. Its not in my place to speak of them. Their representatives are over there,"

Rin sighed heavily and lurched forward, grabbing onto Charles Grey.

"Oh please tell me. I'm so curious! They'll only turn me away again. You're the only one I can turn to!" Rin pleaded, hoping he gave off a delicate look.

Charles Grey was blushing lightly and looked away uncertainly, "W-well...They work closely with the Queen. They handle some of the...darker things. A lady shouldn't concern herself with them. Miss Sakura, Would you mind dancing with me? To Take your mind off such things,"

Rin blinked, "Oh...Um..."

Charles Grey grabbed Rin's hand and pulled him onto the dance floor.

Many other guests also began dancing and Rin caught sight of Yukio dancing as well. Rin shuddered and glanced back at Dantalion who was observing.
Rin mouthed the words 'help me' before Dantalion got the message and attempted to rescue Rin.

Rin looked at Yukio and the girl he was dancing with. The girl seemed familiar and it took Rin a moment to realize that girl was Alex. Confusion filled Rin's head when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Can I have the next dance?" Dantalion questioned, his hand extended.

"Aww and we were having such fun," Charles Grey whined, letting go of Rin. "Oh, don't be sad. Perhaps we'll see each other again," Rin said.

Charles Grey blushed and nodded before wandering off as Dantalion grabbed hold of Rin and began dancing.

"Why did you say that?" Dantalion asked.

"Why do you care? It sounded polite. I got some info, lets get the hell out of here," Rin said.

"Sure," Dantalion responded, leading Rin away from the dance floor.

As Rin was about to leave, he glanced back and locked eyes with Yukio. Their eyes stayed that way for a few seconds.

When Rin turned around, he tripped and fell into Dantalion. The two came crashing onto the floor, their mouths connecting.

"D-Dantalion?!" The voice of Lamia shouted. "Who is she?!"

Rin wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and glanced back to see Lamia glaring at them with her hands on her hips.

"Damn it," Dantalion muttered, grabbing Rin and running past the carriage.

"Hey, what are you-gah!"

Dantalion picked up Rin bridal style and leaped into the air, quickly disappearing into the night sky.

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