Hetalia: Canada's Accident

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This one is not a kinky one, but if you want one I'll make one.

Mathew, (Canada) sat quietly in the world meeting; fidgeting every now and then. He could feel an uncomfortable twinge in his bladder.

The meeting's been going on for a long while now. Though nothing was going to get done. America and Britain argued as well as everyone else.

Finally it was China's turn to discuss problems and he demanded silence.

Mathew (Canada) really wanted to pay attention but he just couldn't. Pressure continued to build in his bladder and he squirmed slightly.

He looked next to himself and found America.

"H-hey..." Mathew called out shyly, "America?"

America glanced in his direction, "oh hey Mathew... What is it?"

Mathew (Canada)looked down... Intimidated, "I... I uh... Well what I meant say is..."

"What is it?" America looked.

Canada's face reddened and he squirmed under the weight of his bladder, "w-when do you think this meeting will be over?"

"Huh? Oh... Probably not for a while dude... But it's not like anyone cares anyways"

Canada nodded but his bladder ached. The pain only grew worse. Before he knew if, Canada whimpered and squeezed his thighs tightly together.

"Hey dude? You okay, you don't look so good?" America seemed concerned.

"Well... Well I um..." His face grew redder, "no... I'm fine."

Canada repositioned himself, trying to ease the pain but that only made it worse.

He whimpered quietly and closed his eyes tightly. A small spurt came out and he gasped.

"Yo dude," America spoke once more, "are you sure you're alright?"

Mathew (Canada) had to tell the truth, "n-no... I-I r-really have to go to T-the b-bathroom," he stammered, "b-but I don't want to interrupt China. It would be rude..." Canada gasped and put his hands in between his quivering thighs and a longer spurt shot out.

"Aw come on bro, can't you wait till it is over?"

"I-I guess" Canada lied.

China said something Canada couldn't make out and the room broke into yells and Canada almost cried. He was kinda afraid of loud noises and lost a small spurt in the process.

Canada was shaking and more spurts started to pool out forming a small patch on his pants. A tear fell from one of his eyes and America noticed his struggle.

"Hey, since all we're doing is arguing, why don't we take a break?"

"Sure, but only a short break. 10 minutes."

Slowly everyone left and America went to Canada.

"Well what are you waiting for?"

"I... I can't move..." Canada whimpered as a few tears fell.

"Yeah you can! Come on dude! I'll carry you!"

"B-but Alfred..." His voice was a quiet squeak.

Despite Canada's protests, America picked him up (piggy back style).

They were about halfway there when Canada cried, "please put me down! I'm not gonna make it!"

"Nah! No bro left behind!"

Every time America moved a small spurt would escape and Canada would wince. The pain on Canada's bladder became more until the muscles gave in.

First it was slow but then it was rushing out of him and America had stopped. They stood still for a few moments as Canada's blatter emptied onto America and in complete silence, only broken by Canada's sobs.

Then America set him down gently.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Canada sobbed, "I'm such a bad person! It's all my fault!"

A hand rested on his shoulder, "It's okay Mathew, I'm not mad..." America took off his shirt which was now soaked by the large amount of pee that stained it, "You had to go and I shouldn't have been so blind. Do you wanna go home?"

Canada nodded weakly.

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