walking out of the bathroom i hear natalie yelling. i peer out from behind the door befor she screams


my eyes widen as i realize what she was talking about. the biggist smile ever crossed my lips as me and natalie did the usual girly thing and hug and jump up and down screaming.

as i rummage through my drawers to find my favorite hoddie and my favorite pair of shorts. my hoddie was purple with pewdiepie on it, my shorts where denim and light blue.

meanwhile natalie was in the bathroom getting ready. i kina envyd the fact that she can do all sorts of styles with her hair wereas mine only came to my shoulders and i couldnt do much with it.

after a fue minutes she emerged looking stunning her long red hair in curles. she fliped it showing herself of. she wore a white skin tight dress that came just above mid thigh. my eyes looked her up and down. my jaw droped before she seen me and looked me up and down disaprovingly. she tutted and fourced me back into my room and grabed more sutable clothes for meeting the boys. a black cocktail dress was pulled out. as she threw it at me "go put this on" she demanded.

i huffaly grabbed the dress and went to the bathroom to put it on before coming back in to see her aproval. perfect she explaind.

grabbing our shoes we made our way down the stairs and out the door before my mum could see me. i quickly shouted goodbey and ran outside.

natalie had aranged for a taxi to pic us up and take us to the concert.

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