Chapter 3

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Stiles POV

I heard a sweet girls voice singing in the back ground. I tried to sleep I was still shaking. "Help" I screamed again. No one answered. I screamed. I watched around me, I could maybe see a foot infront of me. A little girl kneeled their. "Shh" she said as she undid the chains. She took my hand and made me walk with her.

Andy POV

We all ordered ice cream and sat on a little picnic table. We talked for a while. "So, Stiles what did happen last night." Liam asked. "I told you I didn't want to talk about it!" he screamed. He just stared at Liam really mad after this cringing his hands. Something's wrong with him that can't be him. I ate my ice cream and continued to talk. Stiles seemed and the whole time. We shortly decided to go for a walk. " I feel sick." Stiles said. "ok then let's go to my place." I as yelled that we took off running. As soon as we got back stiles threw up. "Was the ice cream really that bad." I looked over shaking my head. I looked down to see the throw up was black. "Stiles, are you sure your ok." He didn't respond. "Who feels like picture time!" I yelled, if a lifeless were to take over his body you would see it on camera. "Could I see the camera " Stiles asked. I threw the camera to him. He examined it, they chucked it to the ground, breaking it. We all stood in shock. Stiles stood up "it slipped out of my hands." He said meanly. He walked into the house to do something. "So who thinks that's not Stiles." I asked. Everyone raised their hand. I looked down, if it's not him it means he is lost, or hurt, or even worse dead.

Stiles POV

I was being led by a little girl when something shot threw her she dropped. I stood scared until I heard an other shot. I felt pain blast through my side. Someone had shot me.I soon blanked out.

Mason POV

We all knew it wasn't him. And to make it worse he went into the house, with parents, and weapons. We took off running to the house. We got into see him standing their with I knife. "knifes are dangerous you know." he walked in circles. "They could really hurt people, like the ones who hurt you. He threw the knife right next to my foot. "It's awful sad it took you this long." he stood their. "This long!? Long for what." I yelled. "Calm down blonde, your going to hurt your self." He smiled. "Let the brunette answer." he said as he pointed to Andy. " You aren't Stiles! What did you do with him!." Andy yelled. He walked around "Sorry to be the bad news bear but Stiles is In the farther. Don't worry he is in torture now." he smirked. Well it's almost night time. "Now let's go off to bed now." he smirked as we all walked out side. We soon fell asleep.

-Please Read-

Again this book will be confusing feel free to ask questions.

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