Chapter 5

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Mason POV

I looked over to Andy who was shaking her head backing away with tears in her eyes. "No." she refused to admit it. He was gone he was a lost soul. Some one or something had killed him in the farther. "hahaha so we have math homework?" Stiles broke out. Liam put his arm on his shoulder and broke the news it was summer. "ITS LIKE FISHING HERE." stiles screamed. " Only iv never caught anything." Stiles said again putting his head down low. You could tell his mind was every were. "guys." Liam pointed to his side with a bullet threw it. "we saw." Any said. Stiles looked at us, this time know what he was saying. He tried to get it out. "Just go..please." Andy shook her head "No."

Stiles POV

My mind scrambled I looked at then again. Why don't they just face it, leave me for dead, I all ready em. Even if I return it won't be the same. Shocks of pain went through me I let out a sharp cry and blanked out.


I woke up to my friends carrying me. My mind again went everywhere, where was I. Who was I. panick raced through me.

Liam POV

I'm not losing my best friend. "Faster!" I screamed. We ran. We had no time. We ran through a substance I pointed my small flash light down to see we were knee deep in blood. Holding stiles, who was squirming and screaming.

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