Chapter 3 • Teacher and his Daughter

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Before start reading, i'm so sorry about the grammar. I can't stop saying sorry about that.

I know, its not good enough. and still hard to understand it. My apologies

And i promise that every friday will be out for New Chapter!



~•Lucy's POV•~

Well, i see that juvia was incredible shock about that. But its normal i guess. Because Gildarts are a great Teacher in this school. Well, I suppose to said that again. Even though, i never met him. But erza did.

[ ---- ]

Cana Alberona is Gildarts Daugther. But gildarts never knew that he had a daugther. Because, Gildarts is a busy man who always going every where. And had lot's of wife.

Well cana was try to tell the truth to Gildarts but, she really afraid of. Because cana think if she told that he was her father, What he's reaction? Did he will hate cana because she never telling the truth for this whole time? Or nothing happen. Like, 'meh, so if you're my daughter, whos your mother' kind of.

Which mean, that could hurt cana's feeling. So she never wanted to telling the truth.

[ ---- ]

"Juvia, stop making shock face would ya?" I recently looked to juvia face. She's to overreacted about that.

"Ju.. Juvi" she talk blunty. "You what?" I ask properly. "Juvia.. Want to see her" eh? All because erza told everything? "Huh? Why all by the sudden? Because you--"

"Well.. Ju..juvia want to be her friend too. Is it okay?" She put a begging face. Darn it! She always good at making face's

"I know but, nevermind. But don't talk any weird stuff okay?" I admit it. "Hai! Arigatou Gozaimasu Lucy-san!" She stand up and start walking to cana.

"Well, she's just overreacted about that" erza suggest. "Yeah, for sure" i admit it. Again.

"Lets read this book first before Mr. paul back. I'm afraid if HE changed his mind" erza

"What do you mean erza?" Well, i honestly dont know what she talking about. "I mean, i'm afraid that he will do a test by sudden. Like our teacher before highschool. Remember?"

Oh yeah, that's right. Erza has point about that.


[ Timeskip: Hall ]

~•Juvia's POV•~

"Juvi!" Juvia saw a hot guy again! Waaaaaa Juvia's eyes can't handle it! Juvia might Nose-Bleed again! But juvia will make sure that she not Nose-Bleed this time.

"Breath in... Breath out... breath--" juvia stopped breath when a hot guy approaching to juvia.

WAAAAAAAAA goodbye world. Juvia will die now.

Juvia need to control this feeling! Juvia can do that! Its easy!

"Hey there" the boy who approching juvia is now in front of juvia.

Juvia need tank oxygen

"He-he-hey!" Juvia is shaking juvia shaking! He's too darn hot!    

"Why you looked so nerveous?" He ask juvia. Repeat. He. Ask. Juvia.

WAAAAAAAAA what a dream ♥‿♥    . Juvia will get a very a nice dream today! And will be juvia happiest Dream ever! ♥‿♥ he's eyes.. Wait.

"Umm.. Hello? You there?" He ask juvia again. "Hai! Sumimasen. Ano.."

"Haha! Relax. By the way, i'm Lyon. Lyon Vastia. You can call me whatever you like." He introduced himself to juvia. It cant be.. First juvia Lover?

JUVI! She's dreaming too far! Lyon-sama never be juvia's first love! But he's so darn hot

"Why you staring me like that? And why you being sweaty?" He looked at juvia.

"Ju.. Juvia." Juvia cant hold this! "Juvia. Juvia lockser." He smile at juvia! What a dreamy ♥‿♥

"So, your name Juvia isnt? Well--"

"Lyon! Geez! Finally i found you! Where've you been? I'm looking you everywhere." She hug lyon

What is this? Why she hugged Lyon-sama?!

"Ah, sorry for that babe. I was talk to my friend" he called she babe. Which mean, she's Lyon-sama Girlfriend?! JUVIA WAS TOO CLOSED ABOUT THAT ಥ‿ಥ

"Juvia, i'll see you later kay, bye!" He turn his body with his arm in her wist.

Juvia will never forgive you, Lyon-sama.

[ Timeskip: Home ]

"Papa, juvia's home" juvia greetly as usual. "Umm.. Papa? Where are you? Juvia can't hear and see you"
Juvia curious where's papa. Juvia think he was going out. Well, it's obviously. Maybe juvia just curious at all.

Juvia ran to her room and clean herself before juvia start study. Lucy-san said earlier, Tomorrow juvia got test for comprehension ( actually, i dont know the right sentence for 'comprehension' is )

"Juvia.. Juvia is hungry" juvia feels hungry. Juvia hope papa leave something on fridge. Juvia need food (⊙﹏⊙)

Juvia open the fridge and *TONG* (⊙△⊙)

Papa didn't leave any food! Juvia so disappointed and mad about that! I will tickle papa! Juvia will never forget about that!

"Ju.. Juvia will.. Umm..". Juvia take a deep breath. "Juvia can't do that to papa" juvia will never do that.

Maybe sleep is the answer juvia think.


Still dedicated for beloved Gruvia3867 ❤️

I'm sorry if there a mistake on grammar. I'll try ma best to make this story.

Arigatou Gozaimasu For Comment And Vote! ❤️

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