chapter 1(uninvited guest)

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I had picked the lock of the front door,and once i was in, i was amazed by what i saw, the house looked so classy and it looked more expensive than my life,i didn't have time to study the room because i heard whispers and footsteps coming closer so i hid beside the shelf filled with expensive figurines, the footsteps finally reached the room i was in, i peeked to see who was in the room, and i saw two women, one looked like she was in her late forties while the other looked in her early thirties i assumed they where maids because they were wearing  maid outfits and were holding cleaning supplies, when they left the room i took the chance to run up the huge palace like staircase, i stopped  when i got to the large hall filled with many doors  there should be like a million doors here and am not exaggerating....ok maybe I'm exaggerating a little but still there were lots of doors...i decided to check for an empty room quick, i started searching for a room from the middle because i wasn't sure if the owners room was the first or the last...i let out a big yawn, i was so exhausted and i was very sure it was really late my actions became sluggish that was until i heard the handle of the 2nd door at the beginning of the hallway rattle, i immediately entered the room closest to me and shut the door quietly. i sighed in relief, i turned around and scanned the room, the walls were painted plain white, the sheets of the bed where also white and so was the comforter, the room was fairly big but to be honest i didn't care about the size, i was just happy that i could finally sleep on a bed even if it was just for tonight, i slipped of my jacket and shoes and got under the covers, the bed was so soft and comfortable and before i could realise what was happening i drifted off to sleep.
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I woke up and it took a minute of me to recall were i was, i sat up and  smiled to myself cause that's the best sleep I've had in years, i noticed there was something off about this room but i shrugged it off. I stood up and opened the door i thought lead to the bathroom but to my surprise it was a walking closet..i entered the closet, it was huge and there were lots of clothes and shoes, oh my god someone probably sleeps here...i didn't waste anymore time i found the bathroom which was next to the walking closet, i took a quick shower, got dress and decided to leave as fast i could, but then i realised something, the owner of this room has so many clothes she probably wont know if some where missing, i took some pants from the rack then i notice a row draws at the left side of the room i pulled it open and realised it was filled with expensive jewelry i grab as much as i could and exited the room, i carefully tiptoed down the stairs, and i hurried towards the door..i was so close but this happened.
"make them sell it to, of course not...i don't care what you do as long as they agree to sell it to me, and i suggest you get to it fast or you won't  have a job anymore " he barked into his phone, i hid behind the same shelf i had hidden behind when i first came in ...i love this shelf ...i peeked and i realised it was the guy i had seen punch in the code for the gate..i tried to assume he was attractive because i could only see his back, i stared at the door and i knew that if i was gonna make it out without getting caught i had to do it now .. i tiptoed really fast to the door and just like the gods were on my side i made it out of the house and i hurried past the gate...and ran as fast i could out of the neighbourhood with the biggest grin on my face.

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