she's so odd

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Harry POV..

She stole from me but I let her stay in my house I still can't believe I just did that and now am a stuck living in the same house with a girl that trips over her own feet the last time we did this it didn't go so well.
I was about  drifting back to sleep when I heard a soft knock on my room door I tried to ignore it but it just got louder I groaned and shuffled my feet to the door and opened it and I sighed almost disgusted with seeing her face every time I open a door.

"Erm Harry ..." I heard the voice of someone I once loved say
"What miss Benson" I snapped
"Erm I was just wondering if you had clothes I could borrow " she whispered pathetically, I stared at her she had a towel wrapped around her body as she held the end with her right hand to keep it from falling and water still dripping from her wet long brown hair, I shifted my gaze.

I stood up from my bed and walked over to my closet, I got a white shirt and my boxers for her cause that was honestly the best I could do

"Here you go" I gave her and once she took it to of my hands I slammed my door shut and went back to sleep.

Carter's POV

The clothes smelt like Harry and I couldn't stop myself from smiling anytime I take a whiff I don't know parents where right I couldn't survive without them, I thought I could, they where so mad at me when I dropped out of college then I left home because nothing felt right nothing ever felt right from the moment I woke up in that hospital room and I couldn't remember anything that had happened in highschool,the incident happened the same night I graduated highschool, i spent a year at home and applied for browns the next year and got in, but I never stopped feeling like a big chunk of my life went missing, a chunk of my life that I was told I could never recover.

Next morning

I sprayed the glass table and cleaned it concentrating really hard, Sofia had decided to clean rooms while I clean the living room,and as always  Martha had made us a delicious breakfast which we ate while we laughed and joked around then she went ahead to make something of Harry while we went to do our work.

"Good morning Harry" Martha beemed
"Good morning Martha" he replied
"I was just about to bring you your breakfast, you look like your going out don't tell me your leaving here on an empty stomach" she said looking worried.

"I'm so sorry, don't worry about me I'll grab something on my way there" he replied.
Martha then smiled and went back to the kitchen, Harry then turn and stared at me

"Your coming with me" he said and started walking towards the door I walked fast to try to keep up with him but his long legs covered more ground than mine could.

We both got in his car which looked so expensive that I was afraid I could lessen it's worth just by being in it soon we were out of the neighborhood driving to a destination that was unknown to me.

I cleared my throat to get his attention but I failed I tried it three more times but he still pretended not to notice my actions.

"Harry" I finally said and I was shocked by what he did next.....he turned up the radio volume

"Harry!" I said just a little louder and he began to nod his head to the music.

"Harry!!" I said becoming angry but that Didn't stop him from ignoring me he began to sing along to Taylor Swift's 'bad blood' and I paused and took in the scene and I couldn't stop myself from busting into laughter
He then turned off the radio and turned glanced at me smiling, and just then I realized he had the most beautiful smile I had ever since with the cutest dimples.

"What's so funny" he said still smiling
"I can't believe you would sing along to Taylor Swift just to ignore me and I didn't know you could sing" I said trying to recover from laughing hard
"Well there's alot you don't know about me anymore" he said
I stared at him confused and just as I was about to ask him what the statement was about he cut me off.

"We're here"

"Your taking me shopping" I said as my eyes began to water, he parked the car and replied

"Yeah... Seeing you in my clothes really disgusts me" he said and hopped out of the car leaving me feeling both excited and insulted.

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