First meet

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Ok, everybody, I think this story will be more interesting without POVs, so let get started! Woop Woop!

Star was a normal girl with long blond hair and blue sapphire eyes. She was at home watching TV bored to death, she was homeschooled and she really hates it, considering she has no friends, and all she knows is what her parents remember from their school. One amazing day, her parents came downstairs and gave her a paper. She looked confused and she opened it and gasped. "Oh my god! I got accepted to Echo Creek High! B-but how? I didn't even enroll," she wondered.

Her parents smiled and said, "Well, we've seen that you've been bored just staying in the house doing nothing, so we decided to let you go to a school that has a bunch of people you can talk to," said her mother.

"And we also did it so you can make new friends and go out more," added her father.

Star's eyes filled with tears and she hugged her parents and squealed, "Thank you! This is the best thing that's ever happened to me!"

The next day came and Star was so nervous she didn't know what to say or do. She calmed herself down and said, "Maybe the people there are nice, maybe I'll finally make some friends." She smiled at that thought and skipped downstairs with her backpack on. She hugged her parents and kissed them on the cheek and said, "Bye." With that, she was off.

Once she got to the school, picked up her schedule, and entered the wide halls, she looked around and got a funny feeling in her stomach. She felt like everybody was staring at her. She started breathing heavily while walking and then bumped into someone "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry," she said. 

The person steadied themselves and replied, "It's alright, it was just an accident." 

Star stared intently at the boy. He had a bright red hoodie on top of a pearly white T-shirt and tar black skinny jeans with rich brown shoes. He also had chocolate brown hair and deep brown eyes. Star thought he looked utterly adorable and she couldn't help but blush. 

"Anyway, I'm Marco, what's your name?" he inquired. 

"Oh uh um my name is uh Star," she stammered. 

Marco smiled and asked, "So, what class do you have first?"

Star looked at her schedule and said, "Uh, I have math with Miss Skullnick."

"Cool, that's my first class too," replied Marco.

"Oh, cool, could you, uh, take me there I'm kinda lost," she said. "Sure," said Marco.

They started walking and Star glanced around, she felt like all eyes were on her. 

Marco looked at her and assured, "Don't worry I felt the same way on my first day of school but everybody is actually pretty nice except for one student. Her name is Brittany, and I recommend staying away from her unless you're looking to pick a fight." 

Star nodded but still felt a little afraid.

Once they arrived at the classroom, Star looked around for a seat but couldn't find one she wanted to sit at. Marco took her hand and offered, "If you want, you can sit by me." 

Star smiled, blushed, and said, "I'd like that, thanks."

"No problem," said Marco as he led her to her seat. 

Once the teacher entered classroom she grumbled, "Ok, brats, we have a new student today." 

Star sunk down in her seat and thought "Oh no, she's gonna ask me to stand up and say something about myself."

"Star Butterfly will you please stand up," demanded the teacher. Star stood slowly up with her head down. The teacher rolled her eyes and said, "Will you please say something about yourself." 

Star started tearing up, she couldn't handle the pressure. Marco stood up and interjected, "Uh, ma'am, she's a bit shy can she just sit back down?"

Miss Skullnick groaned and grunted, "Fine, but she has to give a description of herself tomorrow." Star sat down and laid her head down and sighed.

As soon as school was over Marco strolled back home with Star and she grinned the whole way. Once they reached her house she smiled and said "thanks for walking me home and helping me around the school."

Marco smiled and said, "no problem that's what friends are for."

"F-friends?" inquired Star. 

"Yeah, well that is if you wanna be friends," replied Marco.

Star smiled and said, "I'd like to, yes. Well, bye."

"Bye," said Marco. Then they entered their houses concluding the beginning of a fruitful year.

Hope you like it I kinda just had a huge daydream about this and thought it would be a good story so hope you like it bye my Starco lovers.

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