Chapter 2

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I imagined staying in the arena for a year. Having my 17th birthday there, having my first kill, maybe even having a boyfriend. And I liked it. 

"How many times is your name in today Vanessa?" I looked down at my sister. Her eyes were wide with fear. I chuckled at her. 

"48." I said to her. My name was in there 6 times because I've participated in the reaping for 6 years. Then I got 8 tessaera every year. Our family didn't need it, I only did it to get my name in the bowl more times. She gasped and held her hands up to cover her mouth. I rolled my eyes at her and looked away. Cassia was only 11, she only had her name in the bowl once. She didn't understand yet how good of an opportunity this was. I didn't understand until I was 14. My father stood up and smiled at us. 

"I'll start breakfast." My sister stood up and put her hand on my dad's chest to stop him.

"Nice try. I'll start breakfast." She went off to the kitchen leaving my dad in the dust. 

"Did I just get ordered around by an 11-year old?" He had a confused look on his face and pointed towards the kitchen area. I chuckled and shrugged at him. I walked back upstairs to my room and sat on my bed. I looked around my room and considered that this could be one of the last times I look at it in a while. I smiled at the thought of that. I stood up and pulled my sheet back up to the top of my bed. I placed my pillow in the center of the mattress. I decided I didn't want to stay in my pajamas anymore, so I changed into my hunting clothes. I go hunting with Kaleb every Sunday, a boy I met in the woods a few years ago. I heard a little bell tinkling downstairs, indicating that breakfast was ready. I grabbed my belt of knives and my hunting bag before I ran downstairs. I sat down at my usual spot across from Cassia, with my dad on my right, sitting at the head of the table. She put down the ceramic plate in front of me, with scrambled eggs and toasted cheese buns on it. She must of gotten the eggs from her chicken, Freida, and she must have gotten up early and bought cheese buns from the bakery. I bit into one and cheesy goodness squirted out at me. I closed my eyes and made an 'mmm' noise. I recognized this bread from anywhere, the famous Peeta Mellark made it. Victor of the 74th and 75th Hunger Games. His bread-making is legendary. I quickly woolfed down the rest and grabbed another. I shoveled my eggs down my throat so I could savor another cheese bun.

"Calm down Vanessa, I can get more." Cassia said looking at me like I was a beast. I slowly ate my third, and put my plate on the counter. I looked at the clock. 11:43. I needed to start heading to the woods to meet up with Kaleb.

"I gotta go dad. Bye, I'll be back at 2:15." I walked out the door without hearing his reply. I slung my hunting bag over my shoulder and started running in the direction towards the woods. I waved to Ms. Wickerly as I ran by her house.

"I'll give you something when I get back, Ms. Wickerly!" I turned my head and shouted towards her. I brought her game weekly for a small fee. I've been saving up to buy this fabric I saw at a table in the Hob. There's a school dance next year, and since it's my senior year, I decided I would go. The fabric was a sky blue, with sparkles near the bottom, much fancier than any fabric I've ever seen. My sister said she would sew it up nice for me.

I ran across the cement water tunnel that connected the housing area of the Seam to the Meadow. I ran through the long, uncut grass and smelled the flowers underneath my feet. I finally got to the fence, and I ran alongside it until I found the chink. I crawled underneath it, and stood on the other side, taking in the woods. I heard mockingjays singing a song in the distant. The cool breeze swished the grass and leaves all around in the air. I saw a tall, muscular boy sitting on a large boulder a few meters away. He turned his head towards me and we made eye contact. He grinned at me.

"Hey Venom." 

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