Chapter 7

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Katniss talked a little bit about what to expect up until the games, and then she sent us all to our cars to get ready for dinner. Effie lead Luke and I down to our rooms, and she pointed out two rooms right across from one another. 

"Those two are yours, Vanessa on the right, and Lucas on the left!" She twirled around and her stilettos clicked away. Luke looked at me.

"Well,  see you at dinner." He went into his room, shutting the door behind him. I opened my door and stood in awe looking at my room. The bed was the biggest bed I've ever seen, covered in layers of down comforters and fleecy blankets. A simple wooden table sat to the side of it, with an alarm on it and a sleek controller on it. A matching wooden dresser stood in front of the bed, with miscellaneous jewelry boxes scattered on top. Another door was open, leading to another room, which I discovered was the bathroom. There was a see-through glass shower, with a pad on buttons inside. A porcelain bathtub sat adjacent to the shower, with gold handles and a gold faucet. The sink and the bathtub matched, except the sink was a more bronze than gold. 

"Woah," was all that managed to escape my mouth. I quickly stripped all my clothes off and stepped into the shower. The controls were a little complicated to use. Without even realizing what I was doing, a hot steamy rinse mixed with some sort of apple gel coated me from head to toe. I pressed various buttons and this time an ice cold mix poured out and chilled me to the bone. I turned off the shower and glared at the controls.

Stupid buttons.

I wrapped myself in a fluffy pink towel that appeared next to the sink. I hand dried my hair out as much as I could and wrapped it up in a bun. I walked back into my room, towel still clutched around my body, and I opened up my dresser. There was pair of black pants, and a dark blue sweater. I slipped on the clothes and looked around my room a little more. The jewelry on my dresser was stunning. There was diamond earrings, pearled pendants, and colorful rings. I wandered over to my side table and picked up the controller. There was a sliding control, with different locations on it. I scrolled to the beach, and the sound of seagulls filled the room. I switched to the jungle destination, and the sound of chattering monkeys and trumpeting elephatns rang in my ears. One place caught my attention, and I tapped it. The room felt like home. There was the chirping of birds, the sound of rustling, cautious deer. I closed my eyes and I felt like I was breathing the wooded air back home. A knock at the door alerted me out of my thoughts. 

"Come in," I spoke. Katniss opened the door and smiled. 

"Good, you showered. Now come on, its time for-" she stopped abruptly. She listened to the sounds, and her eyes glazed with tears. She lifted her hand to her left ear, as if she could believe she was hearing this. 

"Did you choose this because it reminds you of District 12?" She asked quietly. I nodded in reply. 

"You should wait until we get to the Capitol. Your new room will have something even better. Well, as I was saying it's time for dinner." She left me in the room and I took one last look at the wall before I followed her. We came to the dining car and an enchanting smell filled the air. Lucas was already sitting down, as well as Peeta and Effie. Luke and Peeta were involved in a light conversation. I took a seat next to Luke and Katniss next to Peeta. They held hands and kissed each other lightly on the lips. I sneak a glance at Luke and he has a small smile on his lips. 

"It's obvious you two are in love by the way you look at each other. I hope I have something like that if I make it out alive." 

I'm right freaking here, Luke! Just look a little to the left! C'mon, you can do it!

"Thank you, Luke." Peeta has a smile on his face too. "Let's eat!" 

Waiters immediately come pouring out of the kitchen. Steaming plates are lined up in the center of the table. A clean plate is placed in front of me, with a roll of utensils on top. I look up at the man who has given it to me.

"Thank you," I say, without hestitation. He looks generally surprised at my affection, but nods and quickly hides away in the kitchen. 

"You didn't need to say thank you, Vanessa. It's his job." I looked at Effie to see if she was kidding. She wasn't.

"I wanted to Effie. Did you see the look on his face? That was probably the first time in 10 years somebody acknowledged his existence." 

The food in front of us was like something I'd never seen. There was hot soups, all different colored and things floating around in the top. Different types of meats sat in front of us, all accompanied by a dressing and stuffing. There was vegetables, fruits, and side items of all different sizes. I was already getting full by just staring at all of it. Katniss went for something labeled "lamb stew". There was rice on the side and a fruit that might be dried plums. I placed a giant slab of turkey on my plate, and drizzled it with the think brown dressing. I had a glass of bubbly stuff that they call "Soda" I  think. We didn't really talk during dinner, just the occasional comment about how good something was. Katniss wiped her mouth with her napkin.

"Let's go watch the Reapings!" 

We watched every district pick their victors. District 1 and 2 both had volunteering. In Distict 2, a girl named Catnip Hawthorne was volunteered. I saw a tears fill Katniss's eyes. District 4's tribute was a boy named Finnick Odair was chosen. He didn't volunteer anyone. Katniss was crying visibly now. I remember another tribute from the 3rd Quarter Quell vaguely, his name was Finnick Odair as well. I guessed that this was his son. No one else I recognized was chosen. District 12 quickly came on, and we rewatched me being volunteered, and Lucas volunteering. 

"Well it should be a very interesting Game this year!" Ceasar Flickerman's voice boomed, and then the television flickered off. 

"Well, we should be getting to bed." Peeta whispered, still holding a sobbing Katniss. He directed her to their room and closed the door. Lucas and I rose at the same time. We didn't speak as we walked back to our room. 

"Night," he said. Giving me a small smile. 

"Night," I said. I turned away from him and closed the door behind me. I collapsed on my bed and it wasn't even seconds before I was asleep. 

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