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~~~~~~Adelphi's POV~~~~~~

Training began immediately. Brennan and I were trained individually; me being paired with Rii and Brennan paired with Vex. First we were trained in hand to hand combat, next close quarters melee. I had changed weapons several time, starting with a basic sword and shield, then trying out a one-handed mace. Swinging it took a little more effort but the splinters on Rii's shield from each hit won me over.

Rii continued to press me, taking her own swing at my legs, which I avoided with a simple dodge.

"Very good, you combined hand to hand with melee techniques. Not all of your opponents will have swords; however, and you will need to learn to dodge those attacks as well." She stated as she lowered her weaponry.

"So what, arrows? Spears?" I laugh at the notion of medieval weaponry.

"Bullets." Rii states, placing her sword to the side. "Since you have not gained the ability to fly, we will only go through the basics, for now."
She turned towards Brennan and Vex, calling them over. Vex took Brennan's dual swords and brought over two basic pistols.

So she was serious...

"Alright, stand on the line by the far wall-"

"You can't be serious? You're going to shoot us... with bullets!?"

"Yes, now get on the line." Vex waved.

"No, you first. I need a demonstration." Crossing my arms, I stood aside with my eyes trained on Vex, daring him to move me.

"As you wish. Brennan, step aside." Brennan nodded and stood opposite me, close to Rii. He muttered something to her which I couldn't understand. Rii pushed him away telling him to 'shut up' before aiming the pistol...

No, no, no. There is no way he is going to survive, but he's alive right now and they must have done this before. NO!

The resulting bang had my eyes shut tight, afraid I might witness first degree murder, accidental or otherwise. The resulting applause led me to open them, and see an unharmed Vex, a surprised Brennan, and a smirking Rii.

I had been stunned into silence. Gibberish was conning out of my mouth as I fumbled with words. On the wall behind him, was a small bullet hole that if he backed up to it, would have pierced his abdomen.

"Alright you two up to the wall now. You've seen your demonstration Adelphi; I trust that you can do this." Rii commanded. Out of options I sighed and marched over to a white line next to Brennan. Vex and Rii turned to a table and loaded identical guns, double checking they were properly loaded before facing us again.

"Alright, the process is simple; we shoot you dodge- or at least try to." Vex spoke as he took aim, I looked one last time at the hole behind me before focusing on Rii's gun.

Vex then gave one last instruction, "We will give a countdown for now since this is your first attempt. Ready?" We nodded our heads.


This is crazy.


There is no way I can do what he just did.


We are going to die.

The guns fired and I flinched away as best as I could but ultimately still felt the impact on my side. Opening my eyes I noticed Brennan had done better, with a red splotch on his leg.

"Congrats. You're both dead." Rii deadpanned as I held my right side. It hurt like hell and I doubled over in pain. I brought my hand away and investigated the blotches of red that had transferred to my hand.

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