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Jackson sighed as he stared out the window of the tiny wood cabin, watching the raindrops slowly slide down the window. All he had wanted was to spend the weekend playing Clash Royale on his phone, but instead was stuck here with this other boy he didn't care to know, and now it was raining, and there was no wifi and he hadn't even been allowed to bring his phone. And, and, and, and.....the list went on. This weekend was going to be the worst, he was sure of it. He sighed again, almost ready to pick up that book his mom had forced him to bring.

This was the most bored he had ever felt in his life.

"Aaaay......oh, you're here."

Jackson nearly jumped out of his skin at this, and did spring out of his chair. Once he calmed down, he got his first good look at his weekend cabin mate.

The boy was tall, for one. Much taller than Jackson. He was at least 5'9", and seemed to be older by at least a year. He had a bit more muscle than Jackson, and the boy made his own thin, wiry frame appear even smaller. For some reason, Jackson found himself gulping a bit as he looked the boy up and down.

What is this? Why do I feel so weird around him?

Jackson suddenly realized he had been surveying the boy quite a while longer than was acceptable. He looked amused.

"You checkin ' me out, boy?" The boy asked, and Jackson felt his face flush red in shame and embarrassment.

"I-I, um...no-no I just...."

"It's fine. I'm just fucking with you." The boy said as he pushed his fingers back into his longish dark brown hair. He was still smirking though, and Jackson had seen a little glimmer of something in the boy's eyes. Almost like....an evil idea had hatched in his brain. Jackson had seen this look before. Countless times he had seen it on his elder brother, always just before the paint fell, or the balloon was thrown, or some other prank was pulled. And seeing that look on this strange new boy was extremely unnerving. He didn't want to see it, didn't want to know what the boy had planned.

And at the same time, he was dying to find out.

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