Chapter 1 - The Train Ride

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Rosia’s chocolate brown eyes widened in amazement. This, is beautiful, she thought with excitement.  She stopped walking and just looked around the train station in wonder. A couple steps away her father stopped pushing his trolley, only just realizing she wasn’t following him. 

“What’s wrong Hershey?” He asked, knowing he shouldn’t have taken the position at the school. Rosia looked at her father with wide eyes.

“Why have we never came here before?” She asked. Her father’s mouth opened a little, he was shocked that his little girl would want to come to a muggle place like this.

“Well… I guess we never really needed to.” He answered. Glancing at his watch, he almost jumped with alarm. “Come on Hershey, the train’s about to leave.”

Sighing, Rosia looked back down at her hands which were holding on to the trolley handle tightly, and pushed along beside her dad. Her mom had stayed behind at the house, complaining that her stupid job as an auror was causing her to miss her baby girl’s first trip to Hogwarts. Rosia was so busy looking around the station and not paying attention to where she was going that she almost ran in to a wall. Luckily, she had looked up just in time, but soon realized she had lost sight of her father.

“Daddy?” She called out, looking around the small wall between platforms 9 and 10. 

Suddenly aware that she was alone in a sea of grown men and women, people she had never seen before, she looked around for the only thing she could think of; Platform 9¾. Unfortunately, the only signs she could see were for platforms 8, 9, and 10. God help me! She thought. Just then a familiar head appeared from the wall in front of her and she issued a scream.

“Shh!” Exclaimed her father, walking out of the wall. “It’s okay Hershey.”

Rosia slowly moved her hands away from her mouth and tried to calm her breathing. Once successful she nodded slowly and her father reached his hand out towards her.

“Grab hold of my hand tight and don’t let go of the trolley.” He told her.

Rosia gingerly reached out and placed her hand in his. Clasping her hand tightly, Remus pulled his daughter in through the entry and watched in amusement as her eyes flew wide open.

“See? That wasn’t so bad.” He said, choking down a laugh as Rosia’s owl Midnight chirped excitedly. Rosia looked at him accusingly, but was otherwise alright. “I’ll take your trolley and go find my own compartment, will you be alright?”

Rosia nodded and stepped away from her trolley as her dad started to pull it away. Rosia blew a final kiss at Midnight before walking towards the huge, scarlet train in front of her. She hesitantly stepped on to the train, afraid of what lay before her. Walking down the narrow aisle, Rosia checked every compartment looking for an empty one, and accidentally ran into someone. She fell on to her butt noisily, and was thankful that she had persuaded her mum from making her wear a skirt.

“Oh my gosh, I’m really sorry…” Rosia said. She looked up to find a boy with red hair and brown eyes looking down at her.

“No it’s my fault, I had my mind on a prank I’m about to pull.” Said the boy, holding his hand out to help Rosia up. “My name is Fred Weasley, you are?”

Rosia grabbed his hand lightly and let him help her up. “I’m Rosia Lupin… but lots of people call me Hershey.”

“Is that a reference to your chocolate hair and eyes, or is there a story behind it?”

“A bit of both.” Rosia answered smiling. Fred laughed. “So you said something about a prank… can I help?”

“Really?!” Fred asked, his eyes growing wide.

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