Chapter 3 - Secrets and Twits

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“Wake up Rosia!” Said Alexia, shaking the poor girl in the bed.

“Five…more…minutes…” Rosia muttered, batting at Alexia’s hands with her eyes closed.

“If you don’t wake up now I’ll just have to go get the twins…” Alexia teased, knowing this would get Rosia up.

“I’m up! I’m up!” Rosia yelled, sitting up straight and almost head butting Alexia. Alexia giggled and walked over to her own bed. “What time is it?”

“8:30” Alexia told her, straightening her own pillow.

“AND WHY THE HELL DID YOU WAKE ME UP AT 8:30?!” Rosia yelled, picking up her pillow to throw at the now annoying girl.

“Because it’s a free day! Duuuuh!” Alexia exclaimed, holding her arms out to protect her from the pillow that came flying at her. Rosia then jumped up, smiling brightly.

“I call dibbs on the shower!” She yelled, running to the bathroom and locking the door. “MWHAHAHAHAHA!!”

Alexia laughed as Rosia started running the shower. After a long, twenty minute shower, Rosia hurriedly dried her hair with her blow drier then walked out of the bathroom clad in only a towel. Alexia rushed in to the bathroom once Rosia was to her dresser, and Rosia could hear the running water of the shower as she pulled on purple skinny jeans, a black tutu, a black spaghetti strap top, and black converses. Checking herself in the mirror, she kept her signature chocolate eyes, but decided to make her hair black with purple tips. Once happy with her appearance, she left Alexia to get ready by herself as she made her way down to the common room. The room was pretty much empty, except Fred, George, and Lee lounging on one of the couches and Ron on the other side of the room. Hoping to have some fun, Rosia ran up behind Fred and covered his eyes with her hands.

“Guess who?!” She said laughing.

“Hershey?” Asked Fred chuckling. Hershey’s smile faded and she frowned.

“Bloody hell, I had been hoping you’d get it wrong!” She exclaimed, plopping herself down between him and George. She looked between the two of them as they stared at her with their mouths open. “Uh… what’s wrong?”

“Your hair,” Fred replied, lifting a bit of my bangs. “It’s different…”

“Well, uh yeah, what am I suppose to do, ignore the metamorphmagus in me?!” Rosia asked with a sigh, slightly annoyed.

Fred and George looked shocked as they stared at her in bewilderment. Rosia sighed, standing up and making the piece of hair Fred had a hold of slip out of his hand.

Leaning over, she whispered in to his ear. “There is a lot you don’t know about me Freddie.”

Laughing, she walked over to Ron and smiled slightly.

“Hey Rosia… I like your hair.” He said, blushing slightly.

“Awh thanks Ron! I like yours too… can I touch it?” Rosia asked, giving him her signature puppy dog face that came oh so naturally.

“No!” He exclaimed, backing away from her as if she had a disease. “Stay away from my hair!”

The boys on the couch chuckled as Rosia pouted. So unfair! She thought with a sigh. She then sat down on the arm of one of the smaller chairs, waiting for Alexia to join her for breakfast. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Alexia skipped over to Rosia. She had on a pair of dark jeans with a pink blouse, going pretty with her blonde hair that was tinged slightly pink.

“Love the hair!” Rosia exclaimed brightly as she linked arms with Alexia.

“Yeah, you too!”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2011 ⏰

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