Chapter 2 - The Professor's Daughter

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The train rolled to a slow stop and everybody stood to get up. Rosia looked around confused, but followed Fred off of the train. She kept staring at the back of his head, noticing how fine he looks, and didn’t notice that he had stopped walking until she walked in to him.

“Bloody hell!” She muttered under her breath. “Sorry.”

Fred turned around to her and smiled. “Lets try not to make that a third time.”

Rosia looked down at her feet, blushing. “Uh, sorry.”

Fred opened his mouth to say something but just then Hermione came running up to them. 

“Hershey!” She exclaimed, a little breathless. “You’ll have to go with the first years over there.” She pointed at a cluster of tiny kids with a huge man. 

“Uh… with them?” She asked, not really wanting to. 

Fred smiled as if she had said something funny and Hermione gave her a push. 

“Go on, we’ll see you inside.” 

With that Rosia took slow and careful steps towards the group of first years, making sure not to walk in to anyone else today. Once with the little ones she turned back to where Fred was standing to see another red-head with him, one that looks exactly like him. Fred looked up from his conversation with the boy and waved at her. Rosia blushed slightly and waved back before being ushered by the giant man to a group of row boats at the lake side. Rosia was hoping to get a boat to herself, what with her being bigger than the first years and all, but one girl with blonde hair and huge brown eyes sat across from her. She could help but stare at the girl as the boats were heaved off of the bank and as each girl grabbed a paddle.

“You look a bit big to be a first year.” The girl finally said as she heaved the paddle. 

“So do you.” Rosia replied, looking down at her lap. The girl nodded and continued to row. 

“That’s because I’m a 5th year.” The girl explained.

“Me too.” Rosia said.

There was a long, awkward pause before the girl said something again. “Do you have any… weird gifts?”

Rosia’s eyes bulged and she stopped rowing. “What?!” She choked out.

“Like… this?” The girl’s eyes squinted closed as if she was concentrating really hard. Rosia was wondering if she was trying to shit or something, until the girls hair changed from blonde to bright pink.

“Bloody hell!” Rosia exclaimed, dropping her paddle in to the water. She looked around horrified as if someone might have seen what had happened, but everyone was rowing and talking away. “You can do that too?!”

“Too?” The girl asked, still rowing.

Rosia had had lots of practice because of her mother and easily changed both her hair to velvet red and her eyes to bright green. The girl gasped and almost dropped her paddle as well, but she had better reflexes than Rosia and dropped the paddle in to the boat.

“Holy cow!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “This is perfect! I’m Alexia, Alexia Adams.”

“Rosia, Rosia Lupin, but please, call me Hershey!” Rosia replied brightly. 

Alexia laughed and continued to row. They had gotten behind because they only had one paddle, but in the end they made it to the castle.

“W’at ‘appened to the oder paddle?” Hagrid, the giant man, asked.

“Uh…” Rosia scrunched the back of her now curly brown hair whilst Alexia giggled.

“She dropped it!” Exclaimed Alexia half way through a giggle fit. Rosia slapped her arm and Hagrid stared daggers in to the back of her head.

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